new g4

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been using a new one this week , makes me want a new machine even more now ! (paul take note)
you 2 cant order jack as i have told Gemma she needs an order number from me from my email address and if an invoice aint got one i wont pay it to stop you boys buyig toys. You can have the ritmo and i will keep the new one in the lockup and i can arrange a webcam link so you can log on and wank yourself silly. :RpS_laugh:
fancy taking spring out of solinoid and not putting it back, tut tut, dont expect that from you paul, and i dont want the ritmo ,ive seen the state of it ,
lol, all i want is a heavy duty shut off valve ,thats not too much to ask is it , please paul i will bead to xmas!
i had a 5 year old helper who decided to pick everything up, you know , you look at all these bits you had laid out exactly as they should go back but know there in one big pile and you think , where the **** does that bit go. :-0

anyway, stop picking on me, i have just gone through all the reciepts t**t face gave me and nearly had a heart attack. :RpS_crying:
if youve bought a sp11 will you take 3 grand cash for the ritmo ...........obviously if you didnt buy it id offer you a bit more .......ill chuck in a f**k*d joddy some old fishing rods a mitre saw, 1 sun lounger some old garden tools old christmas tree decorations and 13 and a half mince pies .......and a buzz lightyear thats wings dont open properly safe
yep no prob ill suck you off stu can get involved if he wants ill have a lump on the back of my neck the size of a football ............jords got a date on the army mate april 12th gutted :-(
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