New career

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Well-Known Member
well the time has come lads during the last recession I downed tools and become a manager for icelands, today I have sent my cv to various companies in the hope I get something, I cant keep robbing peter to pay paul. times are real tough and dont look like getting any better that unless you work for rbs in which case your in for a big bonus.
dont say that dnt give up ..iv been off for most of last i went and got flyer and buz cards made..and been workin on the website..iv been going round spreadin the love all over town ..sumit should come soon.
sorry to hear that.

I am glad I am off on my travels, it must be sole destroying.... hope things get better

Keep promoting your company GPS and if you cant do the work sub it out ect and take the cream!!

Good Luck

Im in bedfordshire, I wont give it up completly ill still do bits but i can no longer guarantee a good wage any more one and two days a week just doesn't cut it.
im gonna have to think of this as well. 3 days this year and about to sink. entitled to 97 a week if i signed on not gonna help with wife and 2 kids and mortgage etc etc .been plastering 30 years done it in america 15 years and australia 5 years and i have van all the tools and equipment take alot of pride learnt alot and im f**k*d.and i spend hours every day looking for work any way sorry for being a grump im of to turn a light off to save myself 2p

sorry to hear it both of you .....were all in the s**t thus far and ive got a couple of kids too so i understand the stress lets hope it sorts itself out and if the worses comes to the worse keep breathing ;)..and lets blag a bit of the social its our turn now!
well u know all these 'long term unemployed (unemployable)'..
theyre gonna make em work for their handouts...
i reckon we should register our interest down the jobcentre and get some of em to come an work as gophers for free!
then we'll go and claim their dole money!!
I had a gang of 4 for the last few yrs now there are 2 of us, we are busy now and double booked for a couple of days later in the week but hoping to push them back a bit ive probably got the next 3 weeks covered but ive got no site work lined up just local builders and local authority jobs i personally think the jobs fooked and anyone who can get out should while they can
I'm in the same boat, Who'd have thought that tradesmen would struggle for work. I havn't had a penny for three weeks now and with two kids I have swallowed my pride and tomorrow i go to the chav club (jobcentre).

I keep getting told that there's jobs in the pipeline and nothing materialises!!!! >:(

Good luck fellas ;D
same s**t what happened in late 80's early 90's but i think this could be for the long haul you dont see the gov bailing us out signing on joke if your missus works more than 18 hrs a week you wont get jack s**t
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