New Angle Beads when skimming?

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New Member
Hi guys,

I am about to skim a whole house and I have noticed that the corners of the windows and chimney breast all have the old wooden beads and they are in pretty good nick, although slighty rounded.

I am not sure wether to remove them and replace with the metal ones for a sharper finish or to leave them?

Any thoughts
New beads every time, but be careful had alot of the old timber edges expand and crack off the beads, so now we usually take the timber edges off, and bond them up.
I always put the angle bead over the wooden dowel and screw it on. Its harder to make an edge if you remove it.
A few weeks ago we had a problem with cracking down the mantle breast on the bead each side of the fireplace and all we could put it down to was the fact maybe the wood dowel was sucking the water out out the mix but im not sure.

next time i will make sure the i cover the dowel with enough pva when i do the walls and also tape my beads down the inside edge for a bit extra grip.
Been caught out with this before! Scrim tape down the wooden bead, make sure scrim covers bead and onto wall, do this down both sides, then fix your bead as normal, we usually nail them. Should'nt crack because of scrim.

If you're really worried about cracking fire a thin coat of bonding over scrim tape before putting bead on, this should do the trick.

wood expands and retracts with heat so it doesnt matter how much pva you put on them it will always crack.

ive had this problem with old door frames left in etc...lots of pva, ponding, scrim....still cracks.

id say to take wooden beading of and bond it up then once dry put new beads on.
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