Needing quick help guys

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New Member
college work, deadline tomorro. need the answers guys loool im cheatin but im learnin by the answer

Name 2 types of scrim or tape:

Describe how the types of scrim identified above are applied:

Name 3 types of power supply used on site:

What is the purpose of a transformer:

manny thanks guys
alrite mate a know two diffrent types of scrim theres silver scrim thats made with fiberglass n cotton scrim thats rot proof there applied to plasterbords on any joins ,or cracks or small holes to other types of backgrounds a transformer is 1 type of power supply n hence the name it transforms the voltage of the electricity supply to a safer 1. sorry if this isnt much help but thats the best a can do :o
your gonna have to start listening in class :)
Two types of scrim are fibre tape which sticks on because its sticky then you have got hessian scrim also called jute scrim which is applied using finishing plaster there is also bandage scrim which is similar to hessian and applied in the same way but has been replaced with fibre tape. Three types of power supply on site are battery,110 electric and gas powered tools. the purpose of a transformer is to tranform the power to 110 which is a lot safer like what scott said.
you can mechanically fix jute scrim with nails screws and staples, fiba tapes self adhesive like a stamp just lick the back and away you go, hope this helps ;)
On the question of tape you could also go with paper tape for tape and jointing you dont see bandage scrim or hessian on site these days and on a site i recently worked on they made us use paper tape for the angles weird but you got to do what they tell you.
now kids,dont go doin what nicksey 1401 says and 'lick the back' of self adhesive scrim.if you need to know why then your better off followin his advice coz it sounds like your there already.....glue abuse kills!!! oh an while im here,look both ways before you cross roads.what im givin you here is priceless send you my quote in the post.
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