need your help with rendering please

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New Member
hi guys, im a newbie and this is first post and advice or comments would be appreciated.
we heve got a timber framed building that needs to be rendered and dashed, we have used a product called versapanel 8x4 boards we have been told to leave a 5mm gap between boards to allow for movement then fill joints with a kinda caulk.
we were told by the board manufacturer to render with a special mix called polymeric render as anything else will crack.
ploblem is the polymeric rennder cannot be dashed as they say it will de-laminate.
has anybody come accross this before???
it needs to be dashed to marry in with existing house. we usually render with a mix of soft washed sand, sharp sand, plasterciser/waterproofing admixture, 12mm reinforcing fiber and cement, which seems to work perfect on normal brick rendering but just wanna be sure about doing the same thing on these render boards as we really dont need it cracking.
if anyone can help that'd be great.
cheers guys
one of the first pivate jobs i did was a spar job (didn't spar it myself!!) it consisted of marine ply, bulding paper, mesh a 4/1 s/c scratch coat with waterproofer and topped with no blow and spar, it's still there 6 years on
p.s any render even done by the book has a chance of cracking
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