Need help with a price

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I gotta price a job in a commercial kitchen d&d fireboard and skim all walls 200 m2 total @ 3m high.
There is a slight issue with access as its a 200 m walk to the building and then parked on double yellow lines.
I need help with pricing this one as it could lead to alot more work nationally.
Im pricing buying materials and disposal of rubbish at £7.50 m2. 0r £1500.
Just need your views on labour only if possible but all help apprecited.
I know that pricing can be a touchy subject on here so please PM me to stop these problems.
No time wasters or guestimaters.
200m2 is approx 100 boards with wastage altho you can buy 3m+ boards in England
but I'm not sure about the midlands and up north. Had this prob meself a few yrs back, had to buy
a board barrow (carrys about 20 boards ) and 2 labs for 2 hrs. I made sure I was the driver
and unloaded for 10 mins, drove around the block and came back 10 mins later. Get the labs
to polish up your van for the following 8 hrs. Not saying they,re Polish but they probably will be.
Polish polishers, thats what they're for :)
Any idea on prices Irish???
Ive got a good idea of what i think is a fair price with good wages for me but just want other opions on this one as i dont usually take on bigger jobs like this one.
The one thing with this job is theres electrical outlets everywhere and pipes out lets through walls everywhere this will slow us down a lot!!!
Theres a really fancy suspended ceiling going in there so i donyt have to be to accurate at top of board edge so hopefully this will make up for the numerous wires and pipes.
Any realistic idea on price will be welcomed as i gotta get price of tommorow at latest.
Thats a tough one, you prob need to see the job.

I always try and break it down into sections.

You know ur mats cost so £1500

couple of labs for a day loading out (? ) £150

Skim at £3m2 (?) £600

dot n dab £5 a board (?) £1000

Total £3250

ADD ON £500 FOR FCUK UPS/parking fine/ETC

Thats just my view so dont blame me when it all goes t1ts up ;D
I was thinking of pricing considerably more than what you where thinking.
I honestly dont know how to price this job,well to price it to win it and do well out of it.
skimmin2day said:
I was thinking of pricing considerably more than what you where thinking.
I honestly dont know how to price this job,well to price it to win it and do well out of it.

ur prob right. Dou8le it, no joking
Work out how long it's going to take you, charge your your highest day rate including the days your going to need your labs, if you are stuggling to work out how many days exactly it'll take, put two extra for security! if you finish early it,s a bonus! add your materials + 10% to 15% for carrage etc. If you have pipes, inlets and outlets to mess around with metre square rate will be a nightmare. I have used this method most the time for pricing the bigger jobs, it's easy to justify and and break down if asked to do so by the firm wanting you to work for them. hope this helps ;D
I put my price in at £5465 last week.
I received an Email today saying they were happy with my quote and would like to discuss the work scedule with me further.
They want to know possible stat / completion dates and want a copy of my liability insurance for there records ??????
Fingers crossed this could be a nice earner for once!!
Good stuff. The price i gave you was only your 'working for wages price' i.e price to get the job
Good luck with it mate :RpS_thumbup:
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