extract from a site a had a quick look at..
ReadyMix Supaflo
Supaflo is a new generation screeding product which is a great step forward in that it gives more benefits to specifiers and increases design flexibility. For the contractor, it is a solution that is far easier to apply. A flowing floor screed, Readymix Supaflo is based on calcium sulfate whereas traditional screeds are based on Portland cement. Ready to use, it offers a great many advantages over traditional screeds, namely:
Speed of application
Surface finish
Attainable accuracy of placement and finishing
Reduction in thickness
Elimination or substantial reduction of movement joints
Using a flow applied screed means a far less labour intensive operation.
Screed thickness can be reduced compared with traditional screeds, so one gang of four men can place 2000m 2 or more accurately in a day. This is ten to twenty times more than with conventional materials. Supaflo is virtually self-compacting and flows easily into place, filling all voids and irregularities. It is precisely laser levelled to an accuracy of equal to or better than surface regularity SR2.
Compared with traditional screeds, shrinkage is minimal and is unlikely to occur. Therefore, curling is entirely eliminated as there is no differential shrinkage. It can be applied in all dry locations and in most situations where a conventional unbonded, floating or heated Portland cement screed could be used.
Flow applied screeds have grown in popularity in the last few years. In fact in some European countries half of all screeds are now flow applied.
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