need advice

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New Member
doin my first job for a paying customer and need advice the walls are painted how many coats of pva shud a put on and will a need 2 coats of skim ::)a shud know these things jus wanna make sure tho
doin my first job for a paying customer and need advice the walls are painted how many coats of pva shud a put on and will a need 2 coats of skim  ::)a shud know these things jus wanna make sure tho
depends on what kind of paint really
seein as this is your 1st payin job i assume youve come from a training background?
who taught you to single coat? I really wouldnt bother single coating anything till youve got some experience...if youre not sure how much pva to put on in the first place youll find yerself with big problems tryin to put a finish on in one coat
I'd usually stick a thin pva on which should be dry in about 15 mins then a thicker one (bout 3:1) water : pva...
if the first one doesnt dry, or just sits on the wall lookin like its gonna take forever then knock up...but be careful theres no really dry patches...if so just give em another pva...
A 5:1 coat let it dry and then 3:1 and start applying the 1st coat when your PVA is tacky. Make sure that all the wall is covered because any misses are going to cause you pain. By the way always skim with 2 coats, far better finish.
any plaster applied should always be two coats. as for glueing up (pva) on paint you only need one good strong coat. my method is get yourself an empty paint bucket (tall one) empty 5 ltr pva into bucket add 1- 1.5 ltr of water give it a quick spin with your wisk(mixer) this is the perfect mix of pva.
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