need advice,got my self in sh--

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New Member
i been working for some one for a year plastering,hes been pay my wages into my bank iv always payed my tax vever tried to fiddle it my wage went up 200 pond a coulpe of months ago just realised i never changed my tax payments i shiting it cos times are hard and could nt afford another bill i been geting working tax credits cos got kids as well,i no its not a plastering question and prob suddint be asking this but i know most of you self empoyed and i dont know any one to ask about it, should i tell them and see if i can pay it back over time just say my wage gone up from next month i never been self employed befor didnt know it was such a pain
if in doubt ring them mate if you do pay more tax you might have bought more kit this year which might go against youre annual tax return ;)
Surely the chap you were working for was deducting tax from your wages before he paid you?
go to b@q and pick up any recipts you see on the floor and say you bought them to the tax man get the bill down
TonyM said:
Surely the chap you were working for was deducting tax from your wages before he paid you?
i was wondering the same thing?
where are you sending your tax? normally if you pay your own tax its done on the tax return at the end of each year, or september and april...
if its paid monthly its deducted at source i.e. before you see it..
sounds iffy?
mate are you cis4 or cis6-if 4 then your guvnor should be stopping 20% if 6 then you should be paying a lump up front-definitely sounds dodgy
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