Nailing Thin Coat Beads for a re-skim

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New Member
Firstly what nails do you use when nailing thin coat beads when doing a re-skim? also a link to where i can get them would be great!

Also do you always re-bead when doing a re-skim?

If you could help me with these points it would be greatly appreciated! ;)
i normally try to staple them but they can hit the bead behind if this fails i stick them with skimming, i don't like nailing them sometimes it can cause more damage
i usually stick em with skim and hit the beaded areas second set but heres another method ive used before on board...
u know that spray adhesive they stick carpets with? bit on the bead, bit on the board, works luvverly...very very quick too, you just need to sparay em up and leave em 5 minutes though..
sure i mentioned this before but a 3 mill masonary drill (you can get em, but you usually end up buyin a cheapie set) sent into the reveal (assuming its render and solid) about 20mil then bang a 25 mil galvo clout in pulls up ok, bit of a bodge though but itll getuouttheshit....odd one blows the corner...

danny if your usin gripfill, try acrylic decor....(window fitters tip) stickier than silicon, dries quick and costs about a quid a tube...
o yeh...wot nails...GALVO's mate...always galvanised....never straight steel...
as for a link...www.(insert builders merchant/hardware store/diy superstore).com
o and as for re beading....only very occasionaly would i drag a corner off to an existing bead, and that would only be on a cheapie job...its just a much much much better finish to spank new beads on, looks brand new...just make sure you fill out square to em same way you would on a newbuild so you dont get a 'scooped out' effect...
yeh, painters can get it cheaper than buying the origional 'painters mate' though, its just acrylic decor filler innit...
started using gripfil works a treat, espcially when fixing stop beads to old walls, i find nailing beads does more damage 8-)
I screw them on if its gyproc walls.
If i need to use nails, then its galvanised ones. Iron ones rust and show through your plaster AND the paint.
If its old plaster walls, then i will just stick them on with finish, drywall, bonding or whatever. After a good PVA.
We always nail them with 40mm galvs. Can mangle the bead sometimes if you miss the nail. Dot and dab with bonding and cement for solid corners.

Does anyone know if you can get a stapler that will punture through the bead. I bought a heavy duty Stanley one but it won't puncture the steel and by the time you piss about trying to get staples round the cut outs on the beads it would have been just as quick to nail them!
Firstly what nails do you use when nailing thin coat beads when doing a re-skim? also a link to where i can get them would be great!

Also do you always re-bead when doing a re-skim?

If you could help me with these points it would be greatly appreciated!  ;)
its nnormally clout nails thats what a was always told to use
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