my first flexi display :)

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Chris W

Well-Known Member
seeing as the council are a bit nervous about people dying of being crushed by a flexcement sample i decided to set myself up in the garden to see what its gonna look like...

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if you'd never heard of this stuff before would you come and have a look?

for some reason the council blokes got it in his head that its all done with paint pots...
poor geezers gonna have a heart attack when he feels the weight of the deep texture stone
hence everythings gotta be screwed down!!
well its the landlords wall and i have offered to sort all the probs out (like all the hot taps being on the right, the lack of an isolator on the shower, the fact that the central heating system has a slight leak somewhere not to mention the fact that half the wall is ready to collapse down a 5 foot embankment into next doors garden)..
but you know what landlords are like ;D

be alright with a sheet of exmet and some flexi quick brick... ill make it look like a corner ;)
lloking very pro chris, sure that will grab peoples attention, especially when they see it looking so real yet mounted on a thin board, its the kind of thing that would make me look twice and ponder over for a chat, guarunteed to get some interest that lot is 8) good luck to you mate
nice one lads, any constructive critism greatly appreciated.. never done owt like this before..
council were dead sound about it and really helpful..rebook for this friday.. no extra charge.. gives good weather..

can you believe i cant find any of those little hessian sacks anywhere (cept on the temp roadsigns on the parkway)...
polo shirts ordered for thursday... all black with gold embroidered logo.. 30 quid for 2.. not too bad i suppose..
got a college fete thing booked for end of month too.. 15 quid a pitch + donation for college..
does anyone know the legalities of taking deposits? does it have to be a ltd company?
and this data protection act thing with taking personal details? anyone know what the crack is?
looks good chris very good very profesional, stop tieing yourself in knots you must of took a deposit and someones details before? What about laying the stone flags on the floor to let people stand on it to show its strength and get people over but to be honest i would definetly have a gander.
yeh nice one.. the tile effect board stood against the front is the one ill let em stand on but it needs to be on a flat surface cos its only on a plasterboard..
its just the council dropped the price of my pitch on the proviso that i didnt take personal details on the day, the flyers have my contact details anyway as do the brochures..
its just somebody mentioned the data protection act and i wondered what it was all about..
as for deposits... well ive taken deposits for years for bigger jobs its just that i heard a while ago there was some sort of legal stipulation before you can do it and in the plastering and general building game no one is gonna bat an eyelid but with this being all new fangled i can see me coming under a bit of scrutiny if im not real careful so i was wondering what this stipulation actually is?
thing is, im gonna set this up as a new company, just havent got it organised yet, taxman gives you 3 months as far as im aware then its decision whether to go ltd or not?
just as an example... the council requires you to have a minimum of 2 million public liability just to pitch in the town..
yeh ill take the camera and get me and the missus... have to trim the old nosehairs.. ;D
i think the simple logo's workin out fine in the end.. black background, gold lettering.. black polo shirts, gold lettering... gonna have to get a black van...
yeh theyre fine mate, long as it piques peoples interest i can do the rest with the brochures and the fact that if its stuck to a bit of plasterboard its gonna stick to anything! For sure ill get a few sceptics but with a bit of luck youll need to get a fresh shipment in ;D
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god bless the missus.. she was even chasing after some of em that had a look with a flyer!
Looks good mate and there's deff a market for it. Have u thought about contacting landscapers to offer them your services?

P.S. that lawns as bald as my head ;)
Hi Chris
Did you have much interest in your new venture. I spoke to Ray last Monday regarding the products and I am very interested in how you have found things. Don't worry as I am probably about 130 miles from yourself. By the way your display looks very professional
it was ok to a fashion... got quite a few enquiring and about 5 people saying they defo want some doing, 2 full houses, 1 bathroom floor (possibly walls too), a bloke enquiring about a drive (who thought the samples were stone cladding panels!) and a bloke starting a new lazer quest who was origionally gonna knock up the scenery in mdf and paint it but now wants it done in quick brick to look like 1940's london all bombed out complete with charred beams (which the timber print mat is absolutely ideal for) and a possble climbing wall overlay over an existing purpose designed wall..
only promises as yet though... lot of em asked if they could see my website and cos i aint got one myself yet i had to point em at rays site.. doesnt look took proffessional... and then of course theres the ladders with a sheet over em where every other display in peterborough is all posh pvc and chrome with tv screens etc..
i honestly think the fete at the end of the month will yeild better results as ill be amongst other stalls and people come to look at stalls.. not go into town to shop and end up getting accosted by some pikey selling his wares..
lets be honest, the only proffesional thing about my display was the printed material and the samples themselves...
it seemed a bit like me turning up at the NEC with an old set of ladders... i could really have done with a few 8x4 boards as a backdrop, a mini waterfall, some curved stonework and a little bit for the kids to colour up...
thing is, that would cost upwards of a grand and as yet thats something i havent got, if i did, thats what i would do... and no doubt will do in the future..
certaintly an experience worth having though.. i learnt a lot from it.. looking back im actually glad i did it on a friday and not a saturday (in the town centre anyway)
cheers lads... one way or another this is gonna work... ive just had the thought of printing some backdrop boards up day before, setting up, waiting till its busy and colouring up by request... like a demo... should get round the health and safety that way..
maybe a large digital photo frame too...
maybe i should shut up before someone nicks all my ideas and beats me too it.. ;D
Hi Chris
Pleased to see you have not lost your enthusiasm for this product even after the doubters have commented. I don't like Marmite but I like this product so it shows we are all different. Everyone I have shown the photos to are impressed with the results but I must admit there is a time and place for some applications as others have said but ultimately it is down to the customer who is after all paying.

I would love to go on one of Rays courses but at the moment I am five weeks into a three month property refurbishment.

Nice display Chris, I know some like it and some don't but I don't understand doubters saying it's rubbish when it's got many more qualities than any other render. After all companies that have huge turnovers have already tasted success, why would they bother to invest if it was rubbish. Crack on it will work.
Chris W said:
yeh nice one.. the tile effect board stood against the front is the one ill let em stand on but it needs to be on a flat surface cos its only on a plasterboard..

If you're going to let people stand on the boards you should take along some polythene bags ie: Wickses waste bags. Half fill them with sharp sand and lay them down first or you may get damaged boards later :-(

Good luck - Pete.
Hi Chris,
Have you had any further enquiries from your stand in the town centre or from any other forms of advertising?
Not really mate... maybe it needs a bigger range of top quality head turning samples, me and the missus must have looked a right pair of pikeys! ;D
luckily ive got a bit of plastering work lined up, might have to wait and get some capital together then try again..
could your make some forms out of polystyrene to keep the weight down and overlay them say slike a small pond and just over a 4x2x4" sheet of poly to show the depth of a wall
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