my first ever copy and paste

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When I was at college one lad “Julian” mentioned suicide. It was a Tuesday - we only went once a week. Next Tuesday first thing 8am teacher got us all together and told us last Wednesday Julian topped himself!
Ever since then if anyone mentions stuff I question them, probe a bit, as always feel I missed an opportunity back then.
He told me and Ben about a Chinese kid who topped himself by jumping out the windows of a third storey. We probably both just thought he was telling a story and had no idea he was contemplating suicide himself within 24 hours :(
Suicide is not necessarily a bad thing. Sad for the ones you leave behind though.
I'm torn between calling you a c**t and not wanting you to top yourself, whatatodo?
Who knew!!really I'm full of s**t? Come on own up? Just because I'm popular don't hold back you guys!! I can take it... Guys? Guys? Where's everyone gone? Oh well suppose I better start counting that 10grand I made again last week.
Without a doubt your first decent thread ever as well, and something we should all be aware of. As someone who has suffered from depression for ten years I'm sure I spot it in others more easily.
depression is a very very serious disease, affects people from all walks of life,rich and poor, i am on citalopram which does help,
depression is a very very serious disease, affects people from all walks of life,rich and poor, i am on citalopram which does help,
You don't need to tell me mate.
Years ago I didn't know any other blokes that suffered from depression. That is until I just started talking openly about my problems, suddenly I knew lots of other guys that had been too embarrassed to mention it.
Hey mate,
hope you are doing better now, I never knew someone who suffered from depression. Personally I don´t know how it is having that disease and I cannot imagine how hard it has been for you. I wish you all also happy holidays with your beloved.