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Private Member
Started an artex ceiling today. It was solid and sound aprt from a corner about 2inch square. So thought ill just bond that, scrape and re-screw it and away we go....NO. Put one screw into the joist near the damaged corner and 1ft square piece of artex fell off. There was a second layer of artex underneath. So I scraped what was loose.... the fu**in lot. Took 30mins to take down.
The original artex is what im left with so I start again. Find the joists, chalk line etc. Right in the middle is a dip were the light is so i tought I'll knock that out, repair it and skim. NO. Went to put a hole in it and a 6ft square ish part of artex with plasterboard collapses! The whole ceiling was coming away under its own weight now.
Who ever put the ceiling up originally used plate nails at something like one every 2ft! And this was in a house less than 20yrs old. Start again tomorrow. Third time lucky! :'(
steve_cov_spread said:
not on a price is it?
It was but I rang the customer at each stage and he was fine. Said just get what you need and bill me.
When people are sound like that I'll go the extra mile and do it cheaper any way just for the fact that their showing trust if you like.
Best way to be mate when you can,if customer thinks your having there pants down youl get nothing in future from it (future work).Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad and this unfortunately for u is a bad fu c k e r.
Way it goes better luck next time.
I got a large ceiling artex rip down and reboard skim tommorow,its in 4 sections as there oak beams running through it,they got range cookers and fancy kitchen in there,im praying it all goes well cus at the price ive charged i cant afford for it not too !!!!
More often than not being honest, up front and with integraty you will get repeat work and defo recommendations so it's win win!! You get back what you sow!
skimmin2day said:
Best way to be mate when you can,if customer thinks your having there pants down youl get nothing in future from it (future work).Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad and this unfortunately for u is a bad fu c k e r.
Way it goes better luck next time.
I got a large ceiling artex rip down and reboard skim tommorow,its in 4 sections as there oak beams running through it,they got range cookers and fancy kitchen in there,im praying it all goes well cus at the price ive charged i cant afford for it not too !!!!
Best of luck with that pal :)
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