Multi thickness

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Hi I am skiming an artex ceiling and walls with multi finish the pattern is not too bad (only light stipple), as multi should only be 2mm thick is it ok to put it on at 4mm or should it be done in 2 coats with pva+water on after first coat to help bonding or will it be ok to put the second on when the first is firming up and is still damp?
normal skim for multi 2 coat is 3mm.take off the high spots with a scraper, then givve it 2 coats PVA and let dry to kill suction. then another thin coat with a roller just prior to mixing up. it should then be tacky when you start laying on, first coat should cover the artex completely, then 2nd coat a very thin skim, flatten off and trowel up lovely. ;)
your looking at about 3mm on first coat once you have flattened the first coat cleaned up any angles and cleaned tools buckets etc you should be ready to knock up second coat and lay on.
you should only need about half the amount second coat
you'll never get a decent finish on artex and i'd deffo recommend you gyp bond it to seal the substrate two coats of 2/1 pva should be ok as long as the first coat goes on the night before to seal it again emphasise the not so good finish to the client ;)
no matter how much i PVA artex it allways seems to go off reali fast big areas are a pain..not reali tryed bonding agent yet but this is wot i do to get a GOOD FINISH ON ARTEX.

3x coats of PVA
smash on a first coat of mulit (add bonding sumtimes to thicken it up and makes it stronger)
flaaten that coat
then 2nd skim coat
flaten that coat 2
then 3RD COAT
then warter flatten
then warter again
then last dry trowl
job done pain in the ass artex to do a good job..that why i charge 2x the price as its 2x the work of a over skim..
Make your first coat of multi a bit thicker than normal to ensure you're covering it all (depends on size of ceiling and how heavy artex is), we use a floor scraper to take high spots off. Second coat as normal, let the first coat take and tighten up a bit as sometimes it has a reaction with the artex and can fall off! Especially if it starts bubbling and popping, been caught out with this one before! We've done loads of artex ceilings and walls and never had a problem with the finish and only ever double coated it with multi. Test the artex first if its loose or dodgy looking in any way resheet it or you'll regret it. Artex is a pain in the tits.
I hate skimming over artex and always explain to the customer you won't get the same finish as on board if there happy with that then fine if not i reccomend overboarding.The trouble i find with artex is it always stays live and once you scrape the paint off it[scraping back the pattern]the water in the plaster brings it back to life and it can go bumpy.
I never really have a problem on artex, my finishes are near on perfect,

I spend a lot of my time re skimming it, looks beautiful when painted.

I use wickes bonding agent and a hamilton scraper cant fault it


skimmed some artex today wasnt that bad wen layin it on just keep your trowel as flat as you can n it dosent drag it off as much your second coat shud sort it out n youll have a nice finish
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