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The Lake Governor
I've been skimming for the last couple of weeks and the multi has been going off pretty quick (2 different dates), I've had a look on another forum and people are saying that their having problems with it going to quick, are any of you experiencing any problems? I can't get my normal size hits on, by the time I've finished putting 1 good sized bucket on it's tightening right up >:(
To be honest Grand this is the first job I've done in years that is all board work, normally a lot of float& set, so I didn't give board finish a thought. In fact I can't remember the last time I used board, probably not since they bought out multi. Is it still coarser than muti which seems to have gotten even finer over the years.
yes, twice, fisrt time with bags supplied by a builder, thought he'd just got some cheap bags (hes tightfisted) second time was bags i'd bought. glad you posted this, i thought i was losing my touch!
I have been having the same problem.I am oversetting and my last job i thought it was my pva being to weak so i bought some of that bond it pva and it is still the same.first time i have used bond it so i thought i had done that to weak as well.I knocked up 1and half multi had small walls on and a lid,heating was on. went off like a rocket.oh the joys of plastering.
probably just the odd dodgy bag mate .....if anything i tink it takes a little longer, sometimes bandq bags can go quicker
Andy I am so glad you have said this.

I have had a really bad week working in an old house. Everything has been going wrong and to top it off im running round like a mad man because the multi is going off so quick.

The house is about 150 years old so i thought it must be the fact that the walls are old and dry but no matter how i try and kill the suction its still going to quick.

I stuggled to do the ceilings cos they are high but as soon as i put the first coat on it was almost dry.

I thought i was doing something wrong.

What has made it worse for me is the fact that i have been finding plastic shavings from my new bucket in the mix.

What a week i have had but i can sleep better now knowing this.
islandview said:
Andy I am so glad you have said this.

I have had a really bad week working in an old house. Everything has been going wrong and to top it off im running round like a mad man because the multi is going off so quick.

The house is about 150 years old so i thought it must be the fact that the walls are old and dry but no matter how i try and kill the suction its still going to quick.

I stuggled to do the ceilings cos they are high but as soon as i put the first coat on it was almost dry.

I thought i was doing something wrong.

What has made it worse for me is the fact that i have been finding plastic shavings from my new bucket in the mix.

What a week i have had but i can sleep better now knowing this.
The plastic shavings are from the whisk, you must have a jagged edge on it somewhere mate.
spunky said:
probably just the odd dodgy bag mate .....if anything i tink it takes a little longer, sometimes bandq bags can go quicker

I've used 40odd bags now Spunky and 2 different dates from 2 different suppliers :(
To start with I thought it was because it was nearly 100 degrees on the third floor. And I've also noticed it's tearing a little in places when I'm troweling, I can't help thinking their @@@@ing about with the product.
warriorupnorth said:
If it's such problem and it's goin off quick just put smaller sets on and more of em ??? ??? ??? ??? or roll em over ??? ???
That's what I'm doing Warrior, but this afternoon I did a 5.5x4.6 stairwell (without stairs) and had to put on and lay in the top half before putting on the lower half. The wall turned out fine but it gets hard on the arm keeping on using gear that's going stiff. A wall like that would usually be a stroll in the park. Also have to keep washing the bucket and drill loads, driving me mad.
were the opposite using board on duraline boards and it goes off rapid but use multi and it hangs forever cant win
is the plasterboard fresh andy ?........doubt its the gear mate unless youve just been really unlucky
the job am on the now is like this but the boards have been on for 6 month give them a lick of pva >>>>sorted<<<<
spunky said:
is the plasterboard fresh andy ?........doubt its the gear mate unless youve just been really unlucky

I've been doing this long enough to know it's going stiff on the spot board (my poor arm tells me).
If it was suction I'd be made up, I like nothing more than setting on a backing with suction, can't beat suction for getting a good finish quick sharp :)
I have been on a few sites where the blue board goes off so fast it starts crazing but only on a few walls had to pva the lot to make sure.
its the gear alright i leave a bit on my hawk and it goes quick.try urine in it Ive heard that slows it down:-)
bodplasterer said:
I have been on a few sites where the blue board goes off so fast it starts crazing but only on a few walls had to pva the lot to make sure.
was it on seans site in weston mate?
warriorupnorth said:
If it's such problem and it's goin off quick just put smaller sets on and more of em ??? ??? ??? ??? or roll em over ??? ???

thing is warrior, if you've knocked up 2an half bags at 8.00 for your fist set an it s stiff on your board by 8.15 its to late to say "i'll just do a smaller set"
terry said:
its the gear alright i leave a bit on my hawk and it goes quick.try urine in it Ive heard that slows it down:-
add some cream of tartar to your water mate its the dogs about a tablespoon not too heaped and go from there .now i know people say boll ox dont weaken the mix etc etc but it works very well and have never noticed any difference apart from slowing set time down.just to add i first heard of this about 29 years ago from the technical rep from u.s. gypsum
Had a load of multi delivered to a job from build center 2 months ago.
It was goin off mega fast, never seen it go off that quick before.
Date on bags was ok, no heating on, windows closed, weather not hot,
suction sorted, clean water used for mixing etc etc.....

Went to get the odd bag of multi from B&Q last year there was a pallet full of out of date bags
I mentioned it to them & they said they'd been there for weeks!!
Probably sold em off on special!

Prefer Board Finish Myself.
oasis what do you need to be wetting it up fo mate? if is going off on you and you need loads of water your putting too much on simples ::)

that cream of tartar does work butwhats the point really given a choice of 3 2 hour sets or 2 to 4hour sets i know which id choose
Your rite your not supposed to use to much water with board finish.
Just a bit towards the end of trowelling up.
& if you catch it at the rite times you can do it without any water(not on big sets though)
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