Multi finish and plasterboard

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New Member
It may sound a peculiar question, but, I know that plasterboard is a low suction background, does that mean that it needs no preparation before applying the finish?
Am I right in thinking you would never PVA or wet plasterboard beforehand??
hi mate, your bang on with what you said, plasterboard is a low suction back ground, therefore suction control by using pva is not required ( see suction control under the faq section ;D) in addition to this i would also recommend using board finish as oppose to multi..... multi is more designed for medium suction substrates and therefore on a low suction background (plasterboard) the finish of board finish will be far better, hope this helps mate........................ BIGSEGS/DANNY/CHURCH... CHECK ME OUT!!!! ;D ;D ;D
Thanx 4 the reply. I wasn't too sure after I read another post where it said that apart from controlling the suction, PVA would be used to rid of any dust and s##t on top of render, and thought "What about plasterboard then!"
I have only ever used Multi, in fact in Plymouth i have never seen board finished used ever ever ever on any job.

Maybe we all crap ???

Rich b
As above but Multi purpose will be fine
Does what it says on the tin

Why you ask ?

Post above was added be fore i submitted mine used both with no broblems on board ever.
We used to use a board finish with carlite added on most jobs before multi
multi is absolutely fine on board..
boardy is designed for baordy but also low suction backgrounds..
maybe thees confusion here between board and NO suction backgrounds i.e. skimming over thistle bond-it where board finish really does help..
long as you got SOME suction, multi is fine..
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