Mullered by a car!


Well-Known Member
So boys first day at specialist school, drop him off all going well then whack, old guy doesn’t give way to an on coming car and T***s my car door so hard as I’m putting stuff in that it bends it back off it’s hinges and comes back on me knocking me flying. Nice trip to hospital and no work for me now when I have loads on! Ffs why didn’t I sort the insurance!! Bloke was oblivious! Shouldn’t be driving
So boys first day at specialist school, drop him off all going well then whack, old guy doesn’t give way to an on coming car and T***s my car door so hard as I’m putting stuff in that it bends it back off it’s hinges and comes back on me knocking me flying. Nice trip to hospital and no work for me now when I have loads on! Ffs why didn’t I sort the insurance!! Bloke was oblivious! Shouldn’t be driving
Gutted! What's your injuries bud?
So boys first day at specialist school, drop him off all going well then whack, old guy doesn’t give way to an on coming car and T***s my car door so hard as I’m putting stuff in that it bends it back off it’s hinges and comes back on me knocking me flying. Nice trip to hospital and no work for me now when I have loads on! Ffs why didn’t I sort the insurance!! Bloke was oblivious! Shouldn’t be driving

Sounds like your luckyto be alive!

Id be lookig to sue the c**t for loss of earnings!
So boys first day at specialist school, drop him off all going well then whack, old guy doesn’t give way to an on coming car and T***s my car door so hard as I’m putting stuff in that it bends it back off it’s hinges and comes back on me knocking me flying. Nice trip to hospital and no work for me now when I have loads on! Ffs why didn’t I sort the insurance!! Bloke was oblivious! Shouldn’t be driving
Sorry to hear about that m8 hope your better soon. I've always gone about this once your 70 you should re set your driving test. Check your reaction and highway code
Thigh pretty battered and arse looks like I’ve been gang banged by the Harlem globetrotters, got to go back for an mri tomorrow. If it all goes down I will work but if not then no fun
Yeah car stopped, my car insurance are going to go for it so hopefully will all be sorted just a pain putting me back when things are really taking off! Sods law
Things always sort themselves out in the end just bad luck chin up fella (y)