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what is the best thing to control suction on brickwork when using mp75?

also, what do u do with reveals, can it go over board if u dab them, or over the cavity closers?
think its cheaper from les same gear tho! worked on durox blocks with mp before we just sprayed one wet coat to kill suction and wet coat on top , worked well used to get two set done before 4pm,
used parex microgobetis today which is £35 a tub plus vat. its an sbr with a sand in it and orange in colour. could this be used for reskimming work inside too??
merlin why would you put betonkontack on blocks knauf do a product for this betonkontack would have no effect on suction whatsoever
grand while were on the subject of suction do you know if microgobetis will slow down the suction of face brick for going over with parex monorex mate?
thanks man it says in the book that it's a 'dispersion of an acrylic co-polymer'. so it would kill the suction a bit then I guess. I did consider lankolatex in a key coat but decided on a roller the whole building and spray as normal approach as the floor is finished and only want to visit each area once really to control the mess.
grand wizard said:
merlin why would you put betonkontack on blocks knauf do a product for this betonkontack would have no effect on suction whatsoever
havnt put betonkontact on high suction blocks what i meant was sprayed one wet coat to kill suction and then a wet coat no top. meant betonkontact was cheaper from les.
thanks man it says in the book that it's a 'dispersion of an acrylic co-polymer'. so it would kill the suction a bit then I guess. I did consider lankolatex in a key coat but decided on a roller the whole building and spray as normal approach as the floor is finished and only want to visit each area once really to control the mess.
Better to put a base coat on with mechanical key Goody , you could have it slipping all over the place which will lead to cracks and expensive problems.
yeah I know what you mean man, it's nice stuff though it dries like medium sandpaper so don't think will slip around. Could be a job to switch to a morning spray though if the suction is still high.
like spray on, rule it, spat, sponge, trowel, then spray next hit, then come back and give another trowel to first hit?

or spray before spatting?
were about 80-90m2 on in the morning start about 7.30-8 and start the second spray about 60m2 about 12.30. we are all done by 4.30. goody, if yours is like sand paper maaaaaan i wouldnt do anymore and leave the mp75 to the real spreads.
i thought you were on about mp goody but i have read the post again and your not mate, so my mistake and sorrrrrrry maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
tbh when we done it on durox blocks it didnt pull that quickly , just sprayed two wet coats , set still took 3 1/2 hours,
sorry to ask again but iv bin doing quite a bit of mp75 over the last couple of weeks but am still struggling to get done at a decent time. doing like 10 hour days. can some1 run through it with me what im doing wrong? cheers
Try spraying less on (ignore the temptation) and see how you get on.
Use a system where you have plaster on the wall all the time,plus inbetween youre doin some prep and cleaning etc and your'e ready for youre next spray.

Its easy to put another wall on with the machine but finishing it can be the straw that broke the camels back, if you are beading in front before you begin spraying then you are not earning that day and you will tend to put more on then when you are spraying.

This is very hard constant work and as you know, will take longer to set and finish. You will have very little time for anything else when you have a larger spray on and heaven forbid you dont get that first spray on by 8 will earn half a days pay
ok cheers m8.

so u do u need to be spraying by 8?

and when do u start 2nd spray? once first hit is dark and fully troweled or once its been sponged and had a trowel?
dont agree mr spray. were not spraying to 8.30 and still get 2 sprays and finished by 5. thats with a nice tea break. what you need to do nick is spray your first spray on, if your on your own then 30-40m. once all rulled, clean machine. when its soft to the touch but not wet to the touch , run the spat at 90 degrees so your taking the surface off and leaving a flat but open finish, dont spat like you would on finish , the last thing you want to do is close it in. give it 10 or 15 muns then spray the walls with water and sponge, leave for 5 mins and do your first trowel using the fat . have a cuppa for 20 min and 2nd trowel,. once this second trowel is done you can set the machine up and spray and rule the next spray, you want to be aiming to do this by about 12.30. clean machine and give the first set a hard trowel. then spat the second spray and away you go. all done by 5. The more you mess with it the longe it will take to set.
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