mp75 again...

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has anyone used it when its been painted with a super glossy silk type paint that they use in schools a lot? does it look ok? i no its down to how good ur finish is but its nevr as smooth as multi.

i have approx 650m of hardwall and set / mp75 depending on wether they go for it or not and if itll look good, and about 800m of boardwork. i will need a hand if anyone is interested. in peckham. starting either just before of just after xmas. i will no everything hopefully by the weekend. pm me if interested. cheers
have your man polish it the day after if your laying in winter time orrrrr put a spray on in the morning and a set of skim on in the afternoon and he can do some polishing. I have used the filzomat thingy to dry polish and it works well. or a plastic trowel i hear is the answer
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