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s.p.t plastering

Active Member
Done my frist bit today on my mates garden wall, useing weber pral m....I just mixed it up with my whisk, was quite sticky to use, but nice to work with.....Cause i had no i section or steel float...I used the back of my trowel.....It turned out alright my mate is over the moon....I'm not to pleased with it...

I don't know if i started scratching it back to soon or to late...How do you know?.....It was only about 5 m2 and i had it on by 9 oclock, and just sat waiting for it to pick up in the garden, as the sun was right on it....

Do you guys jump straight on it or come back in the afternoon?
you got to leave it at least a couple of hours.....on by nine should be looking at it round 12-1pm depending on the weather etc. It varies a lot because in the winter you have it on by 3 or 4pm and leave it til next morning whereas in this hot weather it's about 2 hours when on by 11am.
In this weather you should be rubbing up about 1.30- 2.00 pm, depending on what time you got it on and how much you hav on
Ah, proberly about right then....It had a really hard crust on it but quite soft underneath....Was good quite hard o scrape, but that was proberly cause i was useing my trowel
You could have scraped the top off it with an ordinary feather edge, that would get it flat before scraping with pad.
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