mono colour repair

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Private Member
anyone tried to cut out a perfect section with a nice grinder disc cut neat and then render in the repair sction back up to the clean cut edge and scrape back?

just wondered if this is a worth solution to a repair or will it always stand out colour wise. the colour in question is ivory ft
How long is the original render or mono done,if its been there for quite a while it will stick out like a sore thumb bud.Maybe if you suggest this to the client you might get the whole lot to do,otherwise they will have to live with the colour difference,but give them the heads up first,that way your in the clear and you just might get an extra bit of work out of it.
cut out bad bit then gaffer tape original edges apply new scratch back to tape pull off tape work edges a little more then paint with equalizing paint les can match the colour for you
How long is the original render or mono done,if its been there for quite a while it will stick out like a sore thumb bud.Maybe if you suggest this to the client you might get the whole lot to do,otherwise they will have to live with the colour difference,but give them the heads up first,that way your in the clear and you just might get an extra bit of work out of it.

Its fresh ona job of ours we had a new lad on it was his first time and he scraped though a circle right back to the hp12.

Considering just beading up and going over that wall again only few metres.
grand wizard said:
cut out bad bit then gaffer tape original edges apply new scratch back to tape pull off tape work edges a little more then paint with equalizing paint les can match the colour for you

Grand is this equalising paint the same as the rendit gear those lads flog up in yorkshire? how does this stuff look once painted over a mono?

not sure about painting it over a natural finish
all the manufacturers make the paint it looks fine mate it just brings both colours back to what they should look like
I have patched a blown section once but i left the edges rough and irregular... scraped back new stuff and it stuck out like a sore thumb and the old render was only 3 months old.... so what i did to blend the patch in was to mix some very ver wet mono and let the aggregate settle then i used the dyed water left at the top and painted the whole section and it worked a treat... mind you the patch was inbetween aslar joints so didnt have much to paint... if it was on a gable end it would stick out...
Render Systems said:
I have patched a blown section once but i left the edges rough and irregular... scraped back new stuff and it stuck out like a sore thumb and the old render was only 3 months old.... so what i did to blend the patch in was to mix some very ver wet mono and let the aggregate settle then i used the dyed water left at the top and painted the whole section and it worked a treat... mind you the patch was inbetween aslar joints so didnt have much to paint... if it was on a gable end it would stick out...

that job on the moon? merlin said u notice how patchy it is from outer space ;D
You can patch but it may show a bit . what we do is, cut the area out and then trim the edges of the patch so they are clean and sharp, if the render is soft use a Stanley blade or a sharp chisel. The mask the outer edges of the render as you don't want any new materail getting onto the old render, try and find out when the original was done, was it winter or summer, this is where you will get a colour difference because if the original was done in the winter it would have been a next day scrap, if you do a same day scrap on the patch then the shade of colour will be different. Fill in the patch with render proud of the the original , scrap back with the masking still on the original, don't let the scratch float scrap original render, once done remove masking and pick around the edges with a small tool. The repair will be good but like any repair in render you might see it a little.
grand wizard said:
cut out bad bit then gaffer tape original edges apply new scratch back to tape pull off tape work edges a little more then paint with equalizing paint les can match the colour for you

what he said
keep your dress on mr grand and go and rub your willy with a sponge float, i know you said it but i went into a little more detail. But if you want all your little brownie points because then i will give you some reps. anyway, it was 8.30 this morning and i didnt see your answer until now.
plasterjfe said:
anyone tried to cut out a perfect section with a nice grinder disc cut neat and then render in the repair sction back up to the clean cut edge and scrape back?

just wondered if this is a worth solution to a repair or will it always stand out colour wise. the colour in question is ivory ft

you cant repair it mate, unless you can hide the join behind down pipe or put false expansion in , patch and go over with acrylic!
sorted it now but never used the paint in the end i always cut back to a sharp edge using an angle grinder and steel cutting disc but with it being mono was concerned about the colour, anyhow i rendered the whole area again on this occasion.
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