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lippy 77

New Member
Hello all
Well i have got my self in a pickle what to do. i do a bit of plastering couple times a months and been using my sds drill to mix but now i think its about time to buy a propper mixer but the prob is i cant justify 200-400 quid for 1 im thinking more round the 100-150 mark but also i dont want 1 that i use once and it f**ked if you now what i mean.

Thanks All
thing is is it any good have you got 1?
also has any 1 got 1 of these
Erbauer ERB20GM 800W Mixer and r they any good

gumtree website got a bosch one fairly new £150 its in the construction jobs section for sum reason. you will have to scroll through last couple days post thought o find it gud luck mate
i have a 240 mixing drill mate if your interested, its not that old. if you pm me and give me your email i send some pics, looking for £120 plus P&P unless your somewhere near where im working which will be corby this week. Its a proper quailty machine.
dont object paul ..... the guy i used to work with had one and I banned him from using it, it sounded like a jet engine when mixing and used to drive me wild, also it had a really cheap trigger and felt poorly made.

only my useless opinion, no offence intended
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i got a 1800 mega mixer so i dont care i love it, she is propped up on the job with a nice fluffy blanket wrapped around her to keep her nice and warm overnight.
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