Missus in labour wont be long now boy's....

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Good luck mate i have 2 and thinking about the snip, but my mate who i work with got 3 and recons its a doddle so theres hope for you yet ;)
Sod that for a lark no more kids for me mine are just about ready to start work themselves, next baby i have will be a grandchild i can give them back, good luck by the way mate ;D
Yeah glad it finally arrived a week late,but at least safe and well.The birth was long and the baby was born face first called ( faced presentation) which is very rare and apparently even rarer to be born this way naturally with no operation or cesarioum section.
babys face is a little brused and batterd but will recover 100%.
Both well thats the main thing
skimmin2day said:
just plenty of practise Kirk ;) . Never say never.

i have two with my missus and we are going to try for another in july after the wedding ;) you cant beat that feeling the first time you see your little baby :)
yeah..... i know what ur saying Kirk.
Ever thought about writing a guide to making babies pal ??????
Spunky ,iknow would love to read it!!!
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