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just spent 4 days battening and boarding 100m2 of cement board on a timber framed school , had to ping lines through from corner to corner just to get the wall straight, cant help but think if it had been a metsec buildng it wouldnt have taken half the time !
Just done a health centre that was metsec boarded with 15mm Duraline and 100mm insulation and visqueen horrible to screw to,
jack point screws dont come in collated bands 1 by 1 >:(
from what ive seen of metsec internal youll get pulled on youre float and set reveals and they get away with murder on the plasterboard.....or maybe there doing it wrong in all fairness they pay poo rates
timber frame is a mare ian lad. i done an ewi using a rail system over a milne frame mechanical fix with 20mm cavity space. we had to string top to bottom every 2m distance and every fix had different packers like +or- 1,2,3,5,10s spirit level on every fixx at 250 centres, it took twice as long but i managed to counter charge the wood butchers. i always allow more for timber frames
with the fast track way we build surely metsec would be better , were working on two housing sites that are timber framed with a block skin on outside and rendered! insulated metsec would be quicker and more viable , were rendering houses that have only just had the blockwork finished!
its a shame that timber framed buildings are still been sold the same price as traditional build
timber frames are being used a bit right now because its cheaper than a steel frame structure with sfs infill (metsec) price of steel plus recession is the prob but a good metsec job should be straight as a dart so makes fixing render system a doddle. bring back the good times
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