measuring coving

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Any hints or tips on measuring coving . I have fitted some in the past and have used my magic mitre but im not great at it. Also have seen some lightweight (not polystyrene) coving in the diy shops. Surley this is easier to fit than the heavier plaster type.
just use the normal lafarge/bg/knauf stuff. scribe the internal joints instead of mitres and it halfs the amount of cuts you have to do. there was a post a while ago where tony put up pictures showing how to scribe. its easy once youve had a go.
Supercove is ok but nothing's better than gyproc cove. It joins better and has the right amount of weight to stay in position once you've pushed it firmly onto the wall. Gpproc is also easier to fill and sponge! I always mitre but if the walls/ceiling is out. i scribe to suit, to keep the corners tight. I worked with an old boy years ago who was a master at it. He put an uncut end of cove hard into the corner then scribed the joining section of cove. Hardly any filling and as tight as a pair of knickers!
Im of the same mindset to be honest steve, i'm bloody sick of it and the only reason i still do it is cos it earns me money and contradictory to what most people think, theres still work out there...
might not be what it was 2 years ago or 10 years ago but theres more work for plasterers than chippies i reckon...
but then, i often get some chippie work off the back of the plastering cos after the sparks 1st fix Im next in...
i did a job in Jersey a while back... (30 apartments opposite corbierre lighthouse) i did all the internal render and skim... and they were going to use a local firm to put the coving up (gyproc) anyway they let them down, and i got the job... i made a mint banging up about 30 lengths a day and finished for 2pm
Coving I luv it

I once put up 54 lengths in a day mind you it was one big ***** of a room with a grand total of 4 internal mitres.
That was the good old days
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