Marble plastering course

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New Member
I'm thinking of doing a marble plastering course this year. Is there much call for this type of work. I don't want to shell out all that money and not get any work afterwards. Cheers.
adrianw said:
So 960 quid for a 2 week course is a bit steep then ?

thats about right as far as course go its the going rates but if i was you i would spend a few quid on your tools and some materials and practice on plaster board in your garage... if you cant get the hang of it within 1 - 2 days then consider a course... but believe me... its a doddle... this is a wall i did
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I have been to the training center and have seen what they do its pretty impressive and I think you would be confident after the course to do complete rooms.

You learn loads and can do colomns ect

just get it from the guy i sent the link to he delivers the next day and is not expensive... make sure you get the venetian smooth white plaster and get some different colors of pigments
aren't there different techniques for different effects though? i thought you could replicate the different types of marble with it and you'd need to know how?
there are really only a couple of different techniques to learn
1. smooth... this speaks for itself
2. pitted... this is achieved by running a smooth roller over wet plaster and creating the bark effect... this is then knocked down with trowel when taking up
3. banding this is achieved using tapes and applying different colours and or textures
4. stensiling... this is simple also just put stencils on wall and add plaster

as i said before watch youtube vids and spend some time in garage or spare room practising before spending £900.00 on a course
adrianw said:
I'm thinking of doing a marble plastering course this year. Is there much call for this type of work. I don't want to shell out all that money and not get any work afterwards. Cheers.
render s write there is not much work round at the monent but mike wye is a good startin point for this gear cos he is all nateral products
i`m with Danny, i have been to the Capital site, Andy teaches you more than just applying and different tetures.Such as joing in long walls and perfect corners.I`d be tempted to say give it a go.I know a fellow spread just making a living from pollished plaster.Its not just for walls and ceilings either
i did 2 weeks with andy-it worked very well-im still spreading but am picking up a fair bit of shiny stuff-the work is out there you just gotta go look for it in the right places!(preferably not round my way!!)
haha yeah me and my huge gold chains and if only you actually new

I am a beads beach bum


PS and yes I get called a snob a lot!
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