making marble plaster

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kirk johnstone

Private Member
i am going to attempt to make my own marble plaster, using white cement, lime and cement colours. but what i need to know is what polish to use to make it waterproof?
I dont much about venetian plastering but i thought it was the plaster that made it water proof??
i think u have to purchase waterproof lime plaster for exterior or waterproof coatings ?could be wrong though..........
i bought some lime putty, different coloured pigments and wax. i think the burnishing and waxing makes it waterproof mate. phone myke wyes down in cider land and they will tell you everything they need to know. very helpful people.
i am going to attempt to make my own marble plaster, using white cement, lime

Tried it with hydraulic, Hydrated, Lime putty and marble flour and many other combinations. Not had a good result yet but will keep trying.

Buy some crocodile wax and seal it with that its cheap or else buy some soap wax from mike wye
use lime putty and marble dust... but you have to really really pummell the putty to work the dust into it if you have to add water use lime water only... when you colour it make sure you mix the colour into a runny consistency. dont use hydraulic or hydrated lime...
you should also try adding a bit of copper, gold, or silver pigment rum on with cloth then wav over... beeeeutiful finito
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