making contacts

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When people are working for you or with you.... ask them nicely ....not to give their phone numbers and contact details to the site forman, and ask them again nicely not to tell them their usual price rates. As you will find you will loss this contact and work forever. Even if you have been a good man to your newly aquired work force or said contact giving them a lovely price per square metre rate and large hits. Business is business after all , isint it.
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mate im afraid its a curse of the job,over the years ive employed many many men and tret them all how i expect pay on tome extra on sats bla bla bla only 1 man was ever loyal all the others and imean 40-50 tried 1 way or another to fook me
Yeah ......I've had loads doing that, seem to think it's OK to pass their cards to MY customers.
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The type of builder who aproaches your subbies is a greedy b*****d and will treat you with no respect when he owes you money or wants free work done.
The type of subbie who will cut you out is a corner cutting shister who you can obviously do without.
Either way you dont need these 2 types of people in your business.
The type of builder who aproaches your subbies is a greedy b*****d and will treat you with no respect when he owes you money or wants free work done.
The type of subbie who will cut you out is a corner cutting shister who you can obviously do without.
Either way you dont need these 2 types of people in your business.

Bloody helll blones another great post.... welcome by the way :-)
i was gonna say 'thats construction / building work for you', but its not really is it? it'll be happening wherever there are subcontractors...
i was once told, there are 2 types of people, the exploiters and the exploited... personally Im a loser, Ive been at both ends and can see both points but im too f'ckin genuine to turn the bloke whos give me some work over....

that said, once you get laid off - any 'oles a goal innit...
you bstard Grand. I had you down as tidy fish!!!!!!!

HEE HEE Danny its Sprayit your stupid forum f**k*d up my email adress, so any notifications go to some adress i never heard of so i dont even know my password.

You will prefer blones anyway, hes a c**t
I believe this was posted in a tips of the trade part of the forum to give people tips on your own learning experiences in this trade.
Gary / Grand Wizard you have by far more wizdom from onsite experience than myself and im sure you have seen first hand how people in this trade can treat you and make contacts thru your contacts by giving out phone numbers and discussing day rates and meter rates with site managers who are keen to cut out middle men or contractors to cut better deals for themselves.
I think that you originally put on this thread..".is this aimed at me phippsy".......well as I have mensioned above that this was put in tips of the trade about furthering peoples learning experiences and again as I have just stated I wouldnt give you advice on what goes on in the site game as you have been doing it all your life and as I have said I'm sure you have seen it all. So was this aimed at you NO...why would it be?
But now you have brought this up it does seem Gary you may have some paranoia in this area...does it not ? and in my experiences people with paranoia have normally got a certain amount of guilt in some way .
The thread in hand above was about a job I was doing in Sewards End...for a local builder called Ray Chapmen in the last 2 weeks...but after OTHER experiences in the past ... I tried my hardest not to let my other brought in plasterers have any contact with the forman/ builder to exchange contacts, phone numbers etc.......but low and behold numbers where exchanged AGAIN in some way.......... And now I have lost the majority of the pre priced £4400 house and been given a bad excuse on why we didnt get to complete it...seeing my work is pretty bang on and being no complaints in any way in fact quite the opposite......
So now I have explained myself which to be honest I feel I shouldnt of had to...........and really to why I have posted this thread a few days ago.........
But now more importantly lets get back to the job in hand....................go ahead Gary lets hear YOUR " Full Story"........I would LOVE to hear it.
I"m all ears!
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if its not aimed at me no problem then iam not paranoid as you think iam justin and i never gave david my number or discussed rates with him end of matter i just dont need people thinking im a c**t i thought i was helping you out ok
Look as i just said above thread wasnt about u....ok.............. but if it happens to me twice ie this week ive lost more contacts and gonna wanna talk to people about it here cause i wanna know where im going wrong or if its just part and parcel of this trade........... i said i took u on your word...end of......saying your gonna tell the full story has proper f***** me off and has proper wound me up...........wind your neck in, I didnt think we had a problem before this was you who said is this aimed at if u didnt want to look a c**t id sugest not putting yourself in the firing line as I KNOW I aint slagged you off to anyone.
I was looking for advice and i got it off rocksolidplastering and others i wernt looking for a row...IF Id had a problem with you , you would know about it gary I assure you of that . Ive never been sly Ive always called a spade a spade and anyone who knows me will back me up on that.
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your sounding a bit pissed off there aint know problem i got things wrong interpreting your thread but dont threaten me with all that if i had a problem with you s**t youd know all about it cause it dont work with me and you need to wind your fcuking neck in not me
Threatening you gary ...i dont think i said anything of the sort...i think i said that if i had a problem with you , i can assure u of that ....(and you would cause i would ring you up to talk to you about it......but i didnt did i ..thats cause i havnt got a problem with you. ...but for all intense and purposes you seem to want one with me)
I take it thats the nearest i get to an apology then ?

Whats the site agents number cos I forgot my stanley knife,erm blade, erm box :cool:
Then we should draw a line under it .........unless someone knows the team of plasterers from ely ... cause i want to stamp on their trowels and burn their vans......
A certain member of this Forum(for some reason does`nt post here any more) under cut me on a rendering job last year.I gave this guy over £3,000 of work when he needed the money to stop his house being reposed, even advanced his dosh.Then he under cut me by £100 on a job i put his way.Funny cos he did last December, then it snowed and he didnt get it finnished till mid February.Funny, what goes round, cums round.Good karma, be lucky Justin, dont do anything silly, just kick the fuking sheite out of the b a stards.
He probably hasnt posted because people like that only charm an audience for a short while before they get wise to him. Judge a man by the amount of old friends he has and make the rest up.
nah jj u know me........blow me top end of.....i was just gutted this team run me over.anf got a proper bs excuse off the builder / developer, i gave him a bit more credit than that. When someone gives you a right moody one you just think feck does this fella think im a mug. My mixboy went past site and the team had been there at least 1 week although matey had only told me monday...we were supposed to get on with the rest last week all was well moody...still as a few have said name of the game i suppose.
JJ i rang just to get andys number to get me mixboy on there for 3 days while i was away surfing..found his number in the end......but thanks anyway..xx
come on jj spill the beans ..........was it that kid that loved himself cant remember his name
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