makes me sick

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I have quoted 4 jobs this week and have had the humiliation of being told 4 times that my price is nearly double the other guys quote.

I e mailed a few Plastering companies this week out of the yellow pages and this is the sickening reply i received .


Thanks for your enquiry into work rates the current rate for a fully qualified plasterer on a labour only basis is £90 per day. if you have any further queries or questions please email or ring us.

Many thanks


I mean jesus the time you take out your tax from £90 leaves £72 then your lunch and fuel £ leaves you £60 WTF

Rich :(
There ought to be a price fix between all bonified plasterers to say that we wont go below x amount of pounds per day then this wouldnt start to happen,because someone is going to loose out.We all work bloody hard in this trade more than any other,but we can not keep undercutting ourselves.
Unfortunately this dont happen as some people needs are less or more than someone else where i am in Spain builders are just hanging around bars jumping on any strange faces to see if they want work done i suppose if you have a big mortage and a couple of kids you have to do this so no minimum threshold will work, theirs no work about so its dog eat dog if you have to beat the competition to work for £50 a day just to put some food on the table youve got to do it but ime not saying its right.What p****s me of is at these times the vultures come out and expect to get you for nothing.
ye but not that bad if you just done a two week course and spent £300-£400 on an ad in the yellow pages is it
£90 a day isnt a bad price if your on the books an gettin your holidaypay /fuel an s**t paid but subby gotta be £110 minimum
Napper where are you getting this from if you are S/E running your own bussiness,van, private pension,taxs, holidays etc youve got to be on £180s a day minimum or it just aint worth doing.
im talking from my own point i only really do site work so im s/e yeah but the only overheads i have are my van which is also my private vehicle and public liability insurance, ive never pushed myself to my financial limits so now times are hard and wages have droped off i can still get by. also no firm i have ever come across would pay £180 daywork to a subby yes u can aim for that doing private work and u should be to cover your costs. but on the books in the present climate £90 a day is fair and £110/120 s/e subby
180 or it just aint worth doing ??? and then do what instead, sit at home? so if you had no work for ages you would turn a job down thats less than 180 a day. ::)

Ive had hardly any work for the last 4 weeks and if i can get a job and have to under cut someone tomorrow i will! if they have offered 110 ill offer 100 end of. !! >:(

Not all customers can afford 180 a day so they will obviouosly go for a cheaper price, common sense and i dont blame them.


I have walked a way from jobs last week because the money was not worth it. £250 to skim 3 ceilings I quoted £450 they said but but I said ring em get them in I shant bother. I dont like playing price wars with people its not nice however I cans ee why it is done.

Maybe in the future we can organise a tribunal of some sort to stop it

As far as ime concerned you are not S/E if you are doing daywork you are being abused by the system and your boss by getting you cheap and avoiding paying you any benefits ime talking about £180 a day minimum on pricework or domestic priced work.Surely no private customer would want you on daywork they want to know what the job is going to cost them.
im 180 to more a day..... have done a tender for a big house for 100 quid a ceiling over artex...but will hit 2+ a day .......i m probably higher end of scale in my area around cambridge but still booked solid till end of may......maybe the rot will start happeneing i dont know but dropping your prices to silly numbers aint gonna do anyone no favours....clients have told me that some are quoting 80 a day round here..i laugh gop for them then...but no spread is gonna be doing their best for that rate....
like i said phippsy 333 ill charge wat i gota charge to get me the job. rent bills food, the missus ::) beer ;D are on the line at moment. I ve mainly worked for a comapany getting price work for the last 3 years got laid of bout 4 weeks ago and now im in the s**t. no future tribunal gona tell me other wise ;) and whatever rate i set ill be doing my best work so hopefully getting more work of them and their friends. gradually over time MY prices will go up but at the moment gota do what i gota do. (new to private domestic so ive only just started advertising).

Thats why your finding it hard , your names new , i`ve been advertising constant for 5 years , people go to the regular names 1st .Still working prices on the same rate as last year , still got 6 weeks ahead .
One of the jobs I looked at was a kitchen,front room and diner knocked into one so it was one really big room.

The ceiling was artex and needed patching where the walls were taken out then skimming,
the walls were in a poor state so needed patching up then skimming
materials were 18 angle beads, 15 skim, 1 pva, 1 hardwall

I said £400 (cheap) but they had 2 other quotes of £340 and £300 so they are going with the £300.

Now I know when im on the job I don't cut any corners and leave a damn near perfect job, so next week when this other turd has finished im going round the customers house to have a look and if I think he has cut any corners then im going round his house and having it out with him.

Its easy to price work to do a s**t job, I dont I price work to leave a perfect job and im fed up of being f**k*d by chancers.

rant over.

i agree with you rich but if the customer wants to pay peanuts and get monkeys thats his problem surely? when and if this other guy makes a pigs ear of it you can always quote the guy to sort it out.. lesson learned on his part then..
i got the same problem mate, although i got one on monday (kb'd from last week to this week).. i even ADVISED the bloke to get other quotes cos i got a right grilling about how, what with, how long have i been plastering etc.. etc..
he got anothe quote... other bloke was cheaper so he's decided to go with ME!
works both ways i find sometimes.. even though ive been undercut a lot lately i think..
i got a feeling that this bloke is gonna be stood behind me every minute of the day though..
No matter, im more than confident in my quality, methods etc and that must have come across when he gave me the spanish inquisition...
The point of it is that you have to sell your self. tell the customer what he is getting for his money, what materials you are going to use, what proper preparation you will do, how you will leave the job etc. Admitidly some customers will only go for the cheapest but that is part of being self employed you are in bussiness and you must sell your self thats why its called the building game cos thats what it is a game between you and the customer.
When i'm looking at a job l always explain how every thing is going to be done also ask him 101 questions about how he wants things done thell him all rubbish will be taken away and left clean and tidy get your tape out and take down measurements it gives the customer confidence in you and makes you look like you know what your doing we all can work it out in our heads but you have to show them they are getting there moneys worth and the chances are they will go with you even if you are more expensive

Round here its a nigthmare with prices i've had some people happy to pay 200 plus mats a day were i've been told 100 including mats to re-skim a artex ceiling is to expensive

I'm having to patch for the council at the moment £11ph plus £10 a day for using my own van worst work in the world totaly soul destroying but works work and if i have to sell my soul to bring the money in so be it
The other week a woman aprocahed me from across the road where i had been working for weeks on this house im fully converting.
She said she had a box room that needed skimming,it was identical to the room i skiimed in the house i was working on ( i new i needed 4bags m/f pva 3 beads or £30 materials).
I went round to have a look cus she had great t*ts although i could have gave the price to her there and then.
there was some paper on the walls still and she explained she could not get it off with her steamer so i lent her mine earlex £250 boys toys steamer and told her £200 to re skim inc materials.
(this house was immaculate apart from this room with white carpets every where inc stairs and lan ding).
I explained im busy at minute but could do it next sat for her she said fine and i left it at that.
2 days later she gave me steamer back and said hubby gonna get some guy out yellow pages instead and thanks for the steamer.I asked her what he charged after he finnished the job a week later and she said £120 inc materials.
This was a 3x4 metre room with a cihmney breast a window and a door a good days work for £90 after materials not including diesel floor coverings etc etc.
how can you work a day for that ?????? id rather sell my fu**ing kit on ebay than work for that.
I think your right RB they gotta be.
For me that job is 2 sets no 1 on this planet can skim out and bead 4 walls and a chimney and an akward window in 1 set as we all know.
So how can he do it for that unless his kids where starving ????? Unless they really where for which im sorry for the humour.
Sorry but i just dont understand it...
everytime i give a quote i feel i have to make it £50 cheaper just cuz i no there will be a cheaper quote round the corner
its a good job you dont live near me oasis... id be knocking out 4 rooms on board in an easy 4 days on my own for 800 quid..
still, im glad your gettin em mate... take it while you can, it may all go pear shaped tomorrow.. the chancellors already admitted they got the recovery period wrong.. scares people news like that..
bigsegs said:
its a good job you dont live near me oasis... id be knocking out 4 rooms on board in an easy 4 days on my own for 800 quid..
still, im glad your gettin em mate... take it while you can, it may all go pear shaped tomorrow.. the chancellors already admitted they got the recovery period wrong.. scares people news like that..

bigsegs said:
its a good job you dont live near me oasis... id be knocking out 4 rooms on board in an easy 4 days on my own for 800 quid..
still, im glad your gettin em mate... take it while you can, it may all go pear shaped tomorrow.. the chancellors already admitted they got the recovery period wrong.. scares people news like that..

Bloody Hell. That chacellor is a right slack jawed PR**K!
these pillocks that pay peanuts deserve to get monkeys doing the work. the same idiots will pay out grands on flat screen tv.s and brag in the boozer to their mates about a product that will be out of date in two years but they dont want to pay out for quality workmanship on their homes where they could be living for 50 years or so?????????????
plasterjfe said:
these pillocks that pay peanuts deserve to get monkeys doing the work. the same idiots will pay out grands on flat screen tv.s and brag in the boozer to their mates about a product that will be out of date in two years but they dont want to pay out for quality workmanship on their homes where they could be living for 50 years or so?????????????
In all fairness my friend how can you say a quote at £1000 is going to be any better than a quote at £700 you cant, you also cannot get every job you quote on I probably work at a 50% success rate on average, undercutting happens in all industries thats life
im in kent and day rate for domestic seems to be 120-170 there abouts, im 130 but for builders who use me on a regular basis 100 a day, and they want you to work ya b*ll***s for that 100 too.for domestic I price on a day+ mats mostly which seems consistent with other spreads here, and even then i come in cheaper than some, i do think tho there should be a minimum plasterers will work for, its just putting that into practice in the present economic climate, chuck in your polish, bulgarians and chechz then it brings ya price right down, although me an a buddy had a good couple weeks last year redoing some bulgarian rubbish, but now i think alot o peeps will put up with a bit o sanding if it cuts the cost

just my thoughts ;D
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