main contractors discount?

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as you all know i have jst been to cambridge and done a job for a company called braddons. as a subbie. just got my pay adive through -20% cis -12 retention(robbing fcks) -2% citb agen (robing fcks) and -1.5% main contractor discount what the f**k is this.
simplybesty said:
some firms take it mate, braddons are only paying about 2.80 anyway from what i hear.
wel they told me £3 go there and they said it was £2.40 did the job reluctantly and then when we have been paid we have had 35% deductions now thats a lot considerin i dnt ever remember workin for so little per m anyway and we paid digs n all that. gues its just another way of them gaining money . whats it for anyway. cos they alredy take a big chunk for retansion which you never get back
spunky said:
when do you get youre retention back mate?
ha never. even if the job was perfect. which dnt exsist. but i fell as though a work to a high standard. they always come up with some reason for not paying
i can give you martin braddons mobile number if you want talk to the robbing c**t direct
15.5 % is alot mate you might aswell be employed inc youre tax ..........ive paid 3% retention and have had tight rates 5 perm h/set ........f**k knows what the main contractor disc is it for their works do ???
Its not worth working for that amount of money is it?
youd be better of stacking shelves at tesco.
Once you paid ur digs travel costs etc i feel for ya mate it's hard times out there.
I freind of mine as just given the game up after 16 years in the game
skimmin2day said:
Its not worth working for that amount of money is it?
youd be better of stacking shelves at tesco.
Once you paid ur digs travel costs etc i feel for ya mate it's hard times out there.
I freind of mine as just given the game up after 16 years in the game
yeah mate makes you feel that way somtimes. realy like my job. but i hate the game at the moment. full of con men acting as contractors , screwing subbies. its killing me
flynnyman said:
wiganlad said:
flynnyman said:
wiganlad said:
grand wizard said:
i can give you martin braddons mobile number if you want talk to the robbing (french person) direct
pm it to me mate

what happened with plasplus?
should finish the job tomos/sat morn. all seems good. . they only have this job for us though

they usually have plenty on.
i might be s**t then and they just being polite ha
wiganlad said:
flynnyman said:
wiganlad said:
flynnyman said:
wiganlad said:
grand wizard said:
i can give you martin braddons mobile number if you want talk to the robbing (french person) direct
pm it to me mate

what happened with plasplus?
should finish the job tomos/sat morn. all seems good. . they only have this job for us though

they usually have plenty on.
i might be (german word) then and they just being polite ha

Anyway good luck in getting payed ;)
main contractors discount is what certain companies think they havea right to charge. if they are telling u the meterage they shouldnt charge it. we work for some people that charge it but we give our own price, so we make the price worth while.

its basically their drink for giving u the work, even tho they are making a load anyway

with things like retention u wanna have it all in writing first as to what their requirements are. they shouldnt be able to pull u unless ur work is rough
12% retention for a subbie is a joke should be no more than 5%tops in fact there should be no retention, work should be inspected snagged if need bee and then ticked off then paid in full
on the 3% i pay you still have to sign a contract and it states all work must be put what does the retention do?
i dont get retention on plastering. i do on structural work but i think as plasterjfe just said it should be looked at, and if its fine paid for.

we have to pay 5%, which we get half back after completion, then the other half a yr later. think its a bit stupid really. and if they go bust, i lose it
spunky, the retention is there just in case you dont come back to put anything right but they must give you the chance to put things right. they cant tell you they had to pay out to get snagging done when you claim the retenton back. most firms will take 5% and pay 2.5% after 3 months or what ever they state and the rest when the contract is complete and handed over.
You should have been told about this before so you can incorporate it into your price. Proper companies would have been straight about this! But as they've got you on they're own m2age and not told you previously then they've pretty much shafted you. Main contractors discount is what the contractors been asked to give when they've priced the job so it generally just gets passed on but absorbed in a slightly raised Subcontractors price.
Here's what you do. Find another job, but tell them that you want a week off. Get paid for your last week, then come in after your 'week off' lay up 10 bags of multi with your wrong hand, then pick your kit up and (french word) off.
Also, make up some hooker flyers with this Braddon characters phone number on and fill up the local phone boxes.
TonyM said:
Here's what you do. Find another job, but tell them that you want a week off. Get paid for your last week, then come in after your 'week off' lay up 10 bags of multi with your wrong hand, then pick your kit up and (french word) off.
Also, make up some hooker flyers with this Braddon characters phone number on and fill up the local phone boxes.
feeling it mate
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