Made this last night....

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Demoulded this beauty this morning. Only took 12 hours to be hard enough.... Shant be uing that tuff again in a hurry... Oh well... its a nice piece though despite a few air bubbles.

Made this last night....


  • Made this last night....
    49.2 KB · Views: 435
think they sell them in wilkoa for 1.99

No mate that's the small one... This a big one... I think these are 4.99.... Cheeky mare...

No not polystyrene.... It's gypsum but not casting plaster. The company I work for makes all sorts of gypsum stuff including anhydrite floor screed materials so I thought I would try it out. I'd be happy to sell this one on a car boot sale for a fiver but unfortunately it proved impossible to get all the air bubbles out. It's not disastrous but would not be good enough to put on my ceiling so I wouldn't sell it out at a proper price.

I thought the gear might be good for fireplaces as it looks more stonelike than casting plaster.

I will probably have another go with it and see if I can make it a bit more successful. Maybe make the gear a hit wetter.
No mate that's the small one... This a big one... I think these are 4.99.... Cheeky mare...

No not polystyrene.... It's gypsum but not casting plaster. The company I work for makes all sorts of gypsum stuff including anhydrite floor screed materials so I thought I would try it out. I'd be happy to sell this one on a car boot sale for a fiver but unfortunately it proved impossible to get all the air bubbles out. It's not disastrous but would not be good enough to put on my ceiling so I wouldn't sell it out at a proper price.

I thought the gear might be good for fireplaces as it looks more stonelike than casting plaster.

I will probably have another go with it and see if I can make it a bit more successful. Maybe make the gear a hit wetter.

U need to keep tapping the mould,vibrate it to draw all the air bubbles out
Mist the mould with a solution of water and washing up liquid (mixed in a plant mister)
then using a brush brush a thin layer of the mix into the mould first, give it a tap.
then cast the rest tapping it as you go, Will remove any air bubbles

12 hours to take out he mould though! jesus id be fewmin if i wasnt demoulding in 15-20min
Fibrous smibrouse i think there just spreads with no guts! Homosexuals!

I don't do plastering professionally anymore ... I find it dirty and tedious not to mention the unintellectual nature of the conversation.... And what exactly is wrong with being a homosexual.... ;-p
U need to keep tapping the mould,vibrate it to draw all the air bubbles out

The material I used for this was highly plasticised and I think that hasn't helped. I would normally use Casting Plaster plus and either brush it in or wipe it in by hand which works. I think this stuff is not yet quite right. It does look more like stone though so I might give it a go in one of the fireplaces and see what happens.
I don't do plastering professionally anymore ... I find it dirty and tedious not to mention the unintellectual nature of the conversation.... And what exactly is wrong with being a homosexual.... ;-p
Nothing wrong with been a homo i have cock on my mind daily!what u doing now wana meet?:love:
Mist the mould with a solution of water and washing up liquid (mixed in a plant mister)
then using a brush brush a thin layer of the mix into the mould first, give it a tap.
then cast the rest tapping it as you go, Will remove any air bubbles

12 hours to take out he mould though! jesus id be fewmin if i wasnt demoulding in 15-20min

Ooh I like the idea of washing up liquid.... that's nice and cheap compared to mould oil and I can probably get it environmentally friendly. Cheers buddy... I will give it a go.

I normally demould after about 30 minutes but this is not a casting plaster and took a lot longer than I thought it would...I was told it would be demouldable in about 45 minutes. It is highly plasticised so was quite sticky and did not brush in easily. As it was free I could live with that but even I know 12 hours is a non starter unless I can get £600 a piece for them that is.... I might give it a go in one of the fire places as it does look like a stone rather than a plaster.... Might even try one with a bit of sand in as well... Its all an experiment at the moment ... I shall be back to the casting plus shortly when normal service will resume...
Nothing wrong with been a homo i have cock on my mind daily!what u doing now wana meet?:love:

Nah mate... I just had a curry and dont want to cause offence by burning your dick.... :) I should of course point out Im not... I was just wanting to know what was wrong with it... some of my best friends are spreads.... :)
For fireplaces, big items etc you could do worse than get a cordless drill and get a 1 m or 2 m bit of steel and put a spot weld on it somewhere off centre. This will create enough vibration to get rid of air bubbles. My uncle used to make Pvc wheel barrows using this method
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