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New Member
hi guys
does any one on here use machines
we use them al the time for renders and plasters plus insurlation renders
If you do and need any help with any problem with plastering machine just post and i will try my
best to help you :)
hey up m8 i repaird it for him your pressure plate had worn out and it was causing your roter to drop to low down in the stator and it wore to groves in the mixing shaft but she back to her best now mr mono :)
how much have u lads paid for ur pumps and gennies, i wouldnt mind gettin bk into sprayin if i could find the work
they are all different prices mate speak to les at lord and downing pft northern he will put you in the right direction
Surely these machines only benifit you for site work and larger jobs which are as you know there not much happening . dont think they be any good in domestic work wat you reckon ? :-\
les sells a machine called a ritmo tiny thing you can spray skim with it plus its 240v
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