machine spreads

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New Member
Hi lads is this the way forward. like most of you im scared of change it as good as they say?
I have only used mine a few times but can def say that the right job can be done a lot faster and have a better finish IMO.
Im just finishing a mono job its been about 1500m2 but its been WP cos the c**t were doing it for wont use owt else could have done it in half the time. Hand applying any area is a backward way of working if you ask me
On renders and backing they are good aslong as you have the metrage but on finishing ie finish your quicker applying by hand IMO.
Fanny is right to a point but what you need to take into account is a machine like the ritmo will apply renders, even krend, hardwall, mp 75 . you can carry out texture work and also apply thincoat systems. So your not investing in a machine that only does one thing. The ritmo can be run by one person or a gang. I wouldnt want to go back to hand applying unless i have to or the job is to small and when i talking about small i mean something like a 20m inside, if it was outside the machine would come out.
That's the truth, theres no going back once you get familiar with the machine, but that takes a while like anything new.
hbloc said:
Hi lads is this the way forward. like most of you im scared of change it as good as they say?

I wonder if i had used a machine from day 1 i would still have all the aches and pains. Use a machine brother and leave the humping to all the bigmouths
Yeh get a machine brother they are fantastic bit pricey but fantastic oh did i mention that these guys will sell you one. :)
Im afraid fanny is doing what someone does when the dont have an answer, have a cheap crack at the machine lads. bit sad really.
simplybesty said:
Im afraid fanny is doing what someone does when the dont have an answer, have a cheap crack at the machine lads. bit sad really.

Come off it simple it was a joke and in my original post i thought i gave a very fair opinion of a plastering machine and it was a cheap crack at sprayit for his cheap crack at us bigmouths :)
Bit sad that you dont get it.
Flynnyman as a plasterer i use a machine to mix and spray material, i agree with you about the skimming thing, a good bloke with a hawk and trowel will be packed up and gone while the sprayer is cleaning up, delicate placement of finish and timing is the route to speed. I hope i have established myself as a plasterer who chooses to use a machine rather than a "machine plasterer", Their truly is a difference!
i was wond
flynnyman said:
sprayit said:
anyway finbar out of interest what materials do you regularly use

I use all materials depending on the job im a plasterer. :)
ering if you used materials like CPI and OCR etc or monocouches, or are you more involved in day to day jobs using site mixes and thistle bonding etc.
sprayit said:
i was wond
flynnyman said:
sprayit said:
anyway finbar out of interest what materials do you regularly use

I use all materials depending on the job im a plasterer. :)
ering if you used materials like CPI and OCR etc or monocouches, or are you more involved in day to day jobs using site mixes and thistle bonding etc.

Ive used them materials but on a day to day basis mainly finish and backings and if im rendering i usually stick with s&c.
hbloc said:
Hi lads is this the way forward. like most of you im scared of change it as good as they say?
yes mate its the way forward, and its better than they say ;D
McPlaster said:
Flynnyman as a plasterer i use a machine to mix and spray material, i agree with you about the skimming thing, a good bloke with a hawk and trowel will be packed up and gone while the sprayer is cleaning up, delicate placement of finish and timing is the route to speed. I hope i have established myself as a plasterer who chooses to use a machine rather than a "machine plasterer", Their truly is a difference!

At last some common sense, that is the first time anyone who uses a machine has talked sense and for that my friend i shake your virtual hand.
Floonky gimme an estimate cos i get outa touch sometimes, but on an average job where your local merchant was supplying how much would your sand and cement work out cost wise. I think sand was around 20 quid a ton the last time i bought it, but what does it usually cost to you.
Do you include the labourer mixing it and carrying it to the spot in your cost.
This aint a trick question i am trying to do a comparison with CPI mortar which costs about 3.60 a bag and will cover approx 1.5 mts on new block internal ready for skim.
sprayit said:
Floonky gimme an estimate cos i get outa touch sometimes, but on an average job where your local merchant was supplying how much would your sand and cement work out cost wise. I think sand was around 20 quid a ton the last time i bought it, but what does it usually cost to you.
Do you include the labourer mixing it and carrying it to the spot in your cost.
This aint a trick question i am trying to do a comparison with CPI mortar which costs about 3.60 a bag and will cover approx 1.5 mts on new block internal ready for skim.

Couldnt tell you mate i rarely supply sand and cement i usually give a labour only price.
spunky said:
what rates were you getting flynny

Always a price for the whole job. Ive not been on site on a price for about a year and a half and ive heard the prices are a joke now anyway.
trying to avoid sites myself..prices are shish and money takes yonks,
carrilion want 90 days now to pay . thats terrible and they screw you over the final account figures. trying to get private jobs these days
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