Machine reviews

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Well-Known Member
Perhaps one of you lads would like to do a write up on what machine does what and sprays what product and how far like a basic guide to machine plastering / rendering and then i will sticky it ? What do you think ?
that's a good idea church.........lots of different makes not just the orange one's though lol
No Ian, its a genny me and monkey found which runs like a dream and is a lot cheaper than the genplus. The deal is a bargin give les, me or monkey a call if you want any info.
it's easy to diss the pft thing because this place does seem a bit orange at times but after going up and seeing les with my many machine gremlins(10 yr old putzmeister) :) and broken genny he managed to fix the lot in 5 hours.....can't say more really.....service is eons in front of elsewhere tbo.
I still prefer the stubby design of the putz mp25( a machine that doesn't get enough airtime really).
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