Looking to change career

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New Member
Hello everyone!

Im thinking about a change of career, and going into plastering. Ive done a bit before with my brother who owns his own building company.
Basicallt just wanting to know if there is much money in it and if people are struggling with work etc coz of the credit crunch?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


youll be on 200 pound a week for year one poss 300 pound a week in year 2 etc you wont be earning any sort of money until year 5

welcome to the forum :)
theres a place on my local industrial estate that have started teaching you spunky, it only takes a week and you get an nvq
Thanks for the replys,

And no I dont want to get an nvq in a week like you say! Im thinking aboout changing my career and doing this for the rest of my life so obviously I want to know if I can earn decent money!
What do you guys think would be the best route to getting into plastering?
By the way Im 26 and live in Hull.

Thanks again for the replys and welcomes!

Why plastering? It's a young mans game, rest of your life will hopefuly be a long time. You can make good money, but you may not make great money.
Please god dont tell me your drawing comparisons between flying tornadoes and learning to plaster???
how long are you expecting it to take to learn and whats youre plan of attack young gun..........or should i say 'maverick'
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