looking for experince

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New Member
hi all my names Richard I'm from burton on Trent staffs .pretty much self taught at plastering .still lots to learn . I'm intrested in gettin a machine a cheapish good old one :)trouble is Ive only put a bit of the Weber on by hand turned out OK when scraped . is there anyone who would give me some experience and wisdom . i would NT expect pay just keen to get some knowledge
just buy a machine mate it takes all the pain out of doing it by hand ...............monkey will sort you out ;)
i wouldn't recommend buying from ebay if you don't know anything about machines it could end up costing you a fortune , i know a guy who bought one off there and ended up having to spend another £1500 on it to replace the parts that were missing or didn't work
hi wizard mate what section they under on ebay?putmeister quted nearly six grand for a p11 plus the dreaded. aint got that to spend
cheers will have a look.seems like machine s are the way to go but it aint caught on here only a bit on the new build sites .we are in the dark age. its got to better than knocking it up wi my mega mixer :)
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