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New Member
Just wondering if anybody has any idea what the CURRENT day rate is in north london.??? Potentially have been offered a block flats in nth london for a developer we do alot of work for in mk on a day rate and need to find out what the real going rate is there as being told its the same as here? Appreciate any help Cheers
110-120 cis i would say from what the lads i know tell me, if its a block of flats why not do it on a price?? ???
Generaly the same as Manchester, i have a good mate up their so i know what he gets but it depends who you are working for some blokes are on 90s some on 120s some on 150s if your with a decent firm must admit you are very lucky to pick up work in N. London without having to compete with the Easterns but remember if you are coming down to the smoke you have digs and exs to take into consideration, if you can get a day rate you are happy with stick with it as site prices aint that good.
lucius said:
Generaly the same as Manchester, i have a good mate up their so i know what he gets but it depends who you are working for some blokes are on 90s some on 120s some on 150s if your with a decent firm must admit you are very lucky to pick up work in N. London without having to compete with the Easterns but remember if you are coming down to the smoke you have digs and exs to take into consideration, if you can get a day rate you are happy with stick with it as site prices aint that good.
ive heard 90 this way .....its a shame really if you do a good job we shouldnt get out of bed for less than 150
Spot on Spunky the trouble is the big companies say take it or leave it, a lot of lads who work for these people have had good money in good times but you put your eggs in one basket and when times are bad they have nowhere else to go.
we pay around 125 but they have to work for that, but prefer to have lads on a m2 rate. Its funny that when you tell them they can go on a price rate they seem to find a way of doing 50-70m2 of skim a day, on daywork you are lucky to get 40m2 out of them .
Im working a domestic in barnet at the mo for another spread.He is paying me £130 a day cash.Working on site for £90 a day.After tax Thats £360 a week if im right.I definately would not be able to get by on that.Thats a joke
people have this thought in there heads that in london you earn more than anywhere else. Spreads are on 2.70m2 in london, if you told a good spread thats what your paying you wouldnt see them for dust. im pay around 3-3.50 but some get more , it depends on how good a BJ they give. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. there is one rule spunky, if your not upto standards its going to cost you dear, very dear.
ooooh i swallow it all baby ...oh yeah ............or you could come all over my face if you want ooooooooooh ....3.75 at a push ::).......seriously simps give me a job ya coont ;D
getting 4 to 4.50 up here in cambridge.....and 9 to 9.50 for float "n"set.....and 9 for board and skim..........but of resent been doing day rate of 160 cis as there seems to be a quiet period up here...hoping its just holiday time etc......although builders i work for are finding it hard too....most of them only paying 130 thru books.....was told thursday i was expensive by local builder tho......he been paying 100 cash to spreads hes been using but their work aint all that..
simplybesty said:
we pay around 125 but they have to work for that, but prefer to have lads on a m2 rate. Its funny that when you tell them they can go on a price rate they seem to find a way of doing 50-70m2 of skim a day, on daywork you are lucky to get 40m2 out of them .
lol yeah funny that,
pug, that spray in fleet is off. JJ told the customer to go and sit on something spiky because he couldnt make up his mind on colour.
we will be doing more around there, now they have found some lads who are sooooooooo gooooooooooooood at mono they all want there jobs done by us ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D, were like pikys, we travel round an area with our hoses in hand asking if people want there house rendered
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