Liquid floor screed

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Hi has anyone used pre bagged binder for liquid floor, mixing on site sand, binder an water, could a man mixing keep up with the machine
Yes can get gyvlon but its £20 per m2 @ 50mm, it's off the mainland so pre bagged is the only competive way to go,
i think its eco screed or something. they sell the binder and you use your own aggregate. Sure someone on the forum was doing it with his v2.
some people are bulking the floor with pea gravel or weber LWA and filling it with weber bagged screed, works out cheaper i heard
Hi has anyone used pre bagged binder for liquid floor, mixing on site sand, binder an water, could a man mixing keep up with the machine

Used to do it with company I used to work for. Started off by mixing it in the machine(sp11) but it was pretty slow going, ok for small areas. Then we moved to a pan mixer mounted on back of a tractor, much better but pump didn't like waiting in between loads whilst mixing was done, stuff was segregating in pipes whilst sitting.
In the end we were getting local concrete wagon to load up with sand and water and then added binder on job, that worked very well..
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