lime render york area

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Render Systems

Private Member
Been dropped in sh*te today i need a spread to help on a lime render job near york 200m2 approx next wed - sat to scratch it then following tues - friday to top coat any takers?
Render Systems said:
Been dropped in sh*te today i need a spread to help on a lime render job near york 200m2 approx next wed - sat to scratch it then following tues - friday to top coat any takers?

Where abouts near york?
Are you payin for digs?
customer asked my advice... they are solid walls... i reccomended lime render... he was told by others to put mono on and i priced job off what he wanted... not what was best for the building... thats why its getting done with lime now...
keep the language down...
Well had a lovely 3 days workin with mr render systems in York doing some quality work and his work wasnt too bad either :)
warriorupnorth said:
flynnyman said:
Well had a lovely 3 days workin with mr render systems in York doing some quality work and his work wasnt too bad either :)

Was you the sound man ?, so who did the render then mate :D :D

I was the health and safety guy/makeup guy we had some foreigners rendering ;)
flynnyman said:
warriorupnorth said:
flynnyman said:
Well had a lovely 3 days workin with mr render systems in York doing some quality work and his work wasnt too bad either :)

Was you the sound man ?, so who did the render then mate :D :D

I was the health and safety guy/makeup guy we had some foreigners rendering ;)

Nice one mate, heard you liked your make up, ;D ;D , so how did it go then "seriously" nice to hear that some one has managed to earn a few quid from some one that has posted on here, i know he has come under some flak off late , but fair play to him , if you did ok
It was a good few days applying scratch coat, back next week weather permitting to top it off so the camera will be out so you will get the chance to see him workin lol think he is pickin himself a trowel and handboard up over the weekend ;)
getting a new tash and cravat for next week... and for you also flynny... got to look the part you know chaps... PS... you look a treat in the white disposable suit xxx
Render Systems said:
getting a new tash and cravat for next week... and for you also flynny... got to look the part you know chaps... PS... you look a treat in the white disposable suit xxx

I am gonna have to have a chat about health and safety next week coz i was the only one wearing a hat, glasses, dust mask and gloves and maybe make a smoking zone :)
flynnyman said:
Render Systems said:
getting a new tash and cravat for next week... and for you also flynny... got to look the part you know chaps... PS... you look a treat in the white disposable suit xxx

I am gonna have to have a chat about health and safety next week coz i was the only one wearing a hat, glasses, dust mask and gloves and maybe make a smoking zone :)
yes... a bloody trilby hat... silk gloves... designer glasses and a darth vader facemask... and you are barred from the smoking zone... see you monday ;)
we are gettin the video out this week so you will see for yourself we are in digs and playin charades and bamboozle what a laugh ;)
flynnyman said:
we are gettin the video out this week so you will see for yourself we are in digs and playin charades and bamboozle what a laugh ;)
hide the sausage more like! ::)
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