Lime plaster

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New Member
Evening all,
I have just looked at a job which involves removing blown areas of plaster and patching in.My question is,if i strip off the blown plaster back to the stonework and square off the patches,what sort off prep will i need to do to the stonework and can i use hardwall with lime and top coat?anyone had any expierience of this?
not really a lime specialist but ive had plenty of experience with the old 'just hack out the blown bits, patch up and skim the wall'...
which usually turns out that it would be much easier to remove the whole wall and either dab em or render em..
one of my pet hates this...
only problem i can see with using hardwall or similar on an old property is damp.. i prefer to use waterproofed render wherever poss..
unless the walls internal partition...
all depends on the customer, sounds like money is the biggest object..
in which case, good luck with it mate, i'd make it a good price or get it on day rate..
if it needs to breathe you can by limelight renovating backing/finish coat plaster just wet the background down and plaster away ..........dear though i think 25kgs is 17 quid
That renovating plaster is lovely to use but your right its well dear so if you are gonna use it the make sure you price it in

Rich B
travis do it mate dont go mad with killing suction or itll end up on the floor and the finish coat will take water to bring it back
make sure well ventalated when mixing that renovating plaster a killer on the throught and nose
isnt drycoat used as tanking though ???.........sorry never used it so might be miles out
Limelite is great to use especially compared to s&c, it goes off quite quick and can easily put on 2 backing coats in a day ready for skim. Leave it at least a day before finish, Tarmac do a finish coat for it but its probably as dear as the backing coat and its hard to get. We top with multi and its fine. We do a lot of DPC work and the companies we work for are happy to guarantee the work when topped with multi. It is dear though we're paying about £15 a bag.
this is why i think we need a damp section/board..
ive never used limelite or dricoat but i understand they do a good job... however theyre feckin expensive..
ive one shitloads of damp work and its always been 3:1 scratch with waterproofer top @ 4:1
since ive been on me own ive used a 6:1:1 with waterproofer scratch and leave the lime out for float coat..
the difference is you may get cracking in s+c but by god it save s a fortune in materials on a house..
sommat else ive just remembered..
this discussion was had last year before we had so many members and i checked out the composition of limelite..
turns out its a 6:1:1 with waterproofing additives..
bit like multicem has plasticiser in it..
so whats the difference bar the price?
Its a bit like buying grated cheese mate its convenient and pointless but someones taken the time to grate it so it must be good . ;D
the limelight has the finish coat prebagged aswell there both made by tarmac .......last time i used it i used multi ......if it was meant to breathe does this defeat the object?
but if you need the wall to breathe arent you supposed to use special backing coat/finish plaster/render and special paint ?
If Limelite has a waterproofer in it it will not be very breathable, if you need Lime morter their is only one, Lime Putty Morter other than that use an NHL from St Astier or similiar their is no argument with this Lime morter is L ime morter nothing else will subsitute it.
Theres a techical helpline for Limelite (CMS Tech Enq 01283 550060) Spoke to them about finishing with Multi and they said it was ok but they can't guarantee thier products unless you use thier finish as well. As long as the company doing the DPC is ok with it then fine its them thats giving the 20 year guarantee. We used to use s&c but found that if 2 coats were needed could'nt do it in a day as scratch coat was'nt going off quick enough to top it same day, then you had to leave it another day to skim. What a lot of feckin aboot. Limelite is dear but it goes off quick and can be 2 coated in a shift ready for skim next day. Saves a lot of time so it pays for itself.
So,just to re-cap..................
Square up blown areas of blown plaster back to brick,damp down brickwork and apply limelite backing up to level of existing areas,then two coats of multi over the whole area.BUT do i need to pva or wba the lime as i now this will seal the wall but would make applying the multi easier.What depth can the limelite be used up to? ???
All ideas will be greatly received.
limelight it one day and skim it no need for pva it up in layers if its really thick and mix it outdoors too or in a well ventilated area
hi.can anyone give me some tips on the most common way to get a smooth finish using lime plaster? much appreciated thx
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