lime finish?

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Well-Known Member
evening all, got a job tomorrow, making good half a bedroom wall. originaly going to be s+c and multi, however builder and home owner have decided to use a sand and lime render followed by (this is the bit i'm not sure about) an n.h.l. putty mixed 1 day before!? the builder does alot traditional building and assures me it'll work, but i've not heard of it, i'm worried he's confusing his lime. any suggestions?
Why does he wanna do it in lime ??? is the house a traditional lime rendered property??? if it is why you gonna skim over it???.

Sounds to me like you wanna use hydrated lime 5-1-1 and skim or hydraulic lime and washed sand and then skim with hi-impact.
this is the thing rich, i normally would havegone with your suggestion.
its a victorian semi, existing plaster looks like hydrated lime/sand render with what looks like a lime wash to close it in, he puts alot of work my way and is booked up till autunm next year so i question his methods as much as i should!
If thats what he is telling you to do mate then go for it as its his job.

Traditional lime work takes a long time, you'll need to brush off and vacumn the wall and then wet down. then apply your lime scratch coat and key it up then leave it a week then go back and give it another coat and leave a week then apply your lime top coat.

leave your straight edge in the van and wear gloves and goggles especially when mixing up.

Its not a quick job this so make sure you agree payment with the builder first. I am sure you'll love doing it though its so nice to use real lime products mate.

hi pug, now you've said its victorian, sounds like he wants it back to the existing plaster, you should have no problem, think if you look at the original render you will see that there are hairs in it as well. are you sure its a lime wash ?, as most of these are skimmed in lime about 4mill. not sure of the grade of lime though. as said, jeda the expert on lime
Not sure what the builder is on about, NHL (natural hydraulic lime) comes in powder form and is mixed proportionaly with sand as a render, lime putty as a finish is a different thing though i cant see no reason why NHL cant be mixed the night before into a putty for finish but have never heard of it and wonder how well it has been tested normaly nowadays lime putty finishes are bought premixed from specialist suppliers.
did the job today, told the builder i wasn't 100% happy about it. worked a treat! like i said, there didn't appear to be any finish coat just a lime wash to finish off the render. anyways, job went like this. sand, nhl and a tiny bit of cement render, spot on flat, let it pull in, nhl mixed with water last night to a double cream consistancy layed on so as you can see the render underneath, sponge and final trowel, came up loverly. don't know if this is a weird basingstoke vernacular thing or what but the builder said "told you so!"
normal bagged hydrated. came up exactly like the existing, the existing is soft as f**k though so why you'd want to replicate it is anyones guess!
As he said Del it was NHL but adding even a tiny bit of cement to it is not correct, not saying it wont work though.
just thought it would of been better in hydraulic lime for a bit of hardness. still its done and every one's happy :)
you're not wrong, the red is kicking in! i'm getting me hydrated and hydrualic confused now. it was nhl not sure what grade though
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