Lesson Learnt!

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I did a job yesterday for a builder I know, 20m2 flat render to a garage, piece o (french word)! Or so I thought! He'd put the beads on and put the 'scratch' on!! (german word), he'd used building sand and smoothed off the so called 'scratch coat' with a trowel and NO scratches, smooth as a babies arse! No worries I thought get the grinder out and off I went, started, wet the walls up started laying on and it went off like a rocket!! Couldn't wet it up enough to hold back, ended up just getting it on as flat as I could, no time to rule off and floating it in, rough yeah?!! No waterproofer in scratch, could've cried, worst render job I've had in years! Bloody nightmare! Once I'd done you could see all the mortar joints through my top coat where the blocks were wet under the render!
Moral of it....don't take on work preped up by some who doesn't know jack (german word) about rendering or unsupervised by you!!! Bites you in the arse.....he said to me 'oh, you learn something everyday, you'll get over it wont you?' he knew he'd cocked up!>:(
Youve answered it yourself there mate, whatever trade you are in always do the prep yourself its the most important bit.
I know, could've kicked myself, was doing him the favour too!!! He's been in the trade long enuff, as he said to me 'you learn something everyday!', I just took it for granted he'd have known how to put a scratch coat on, clues in the name!! Wrong! :o
Hi Ziggy
i had similar one matey
a woman rang up said she found me on yell .com
could i skim her kitchen, i went round, she told me she just had the kitchen rewired and her husband re-plated the ceiling and made good the walls, ........bonding proud in chasings !
he nailed plaster board up, 15mm gaps, not staggered holes were he missed clout nail with claw hammer, nails on angles and bent,
i ended up ripping the ceiling down and re-plating and skimmed it, i didn’t even mention it
she came home from work and said, ooh that looks great, what a good job mikes done (her husband) ..............enough said ah
i was glad of the work, at the time
Never again

Until the next one he he he
Cheers mate, I always do mine too, the builder I know asked me to do it as was too much for him to manage, bit of a favour, nearly got my fingers burnt tho and it wont happen again! ;)
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