learn to become a plasterer courses help please?

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New Member
I am very very keen to learn a trade, i have done poffice work for last 10 years, and am sick of it, (account management, on telephones , new business dev -cold callsetc)
i have looked at various training courses and colleges, but am out of work at the moment, the college course tend to be part time over x amount of years, and a specilist training centres are a bit far away and want a large amount of money, then i rang one yesterday, and mentioned i was interested in becoming an electrician or plumber, he said they are 2 of the hardest nuts to crack, and if im looking for work straight away then plastering is the one to take, its a 6 week course and £1700.

i am interested, but can anyone tell me if after the 6 weeks i would be qualified and able to go out doing jobs on my own, its no good if i pay that money then still have to find someone to take me on as an apprentice, so i earn very little if i do manage to find someone, i have a 1 year old so cant really afford that route.

just rang the bloke, he tells me i ill be city & guilds qualified, and to become nvq quailifed i need to have my work assessed. is this going to get my a job or am i going to waste my money?
you might have city and guilds after 6 weeks, doesnt mean you know how to do the job though. do it properly. start off as a labourer on s**t money, learn the trade and put up with the s**t that comes with starting at the bottom. its how its been done for years. it takes years to learn how to do it properly. our labourer took 6 weeks just to learn how to keep up with two spreads.
i would love to do that, i really would. i just cant afford to do it that way, im 27, with a baby, i need to do either some sort of evening college course and work full time, or do a 6 week course such as this, i am just interested to know if such a course is do-able, and i could do jobs after finishing. even if i went to a company and told them i had done the course and worked for someone i would be happy with, then they can monitor what i do?
i've worked on the same job as a bloke who did a quick course, and while he left an okish job, he was doing one wall at a time and i was doing several. thats the difference. i don't think you'll make money to start with because even though you'd be qualified. you'd still be learning. you only get quicker and better with time. someone might take you on and keep an eye on you, but you'd more than likely still be mixing and doing small bits until you can prove your good enough. its a tricky one
there is no easy route to big money in this life, do a course and still be prepared to start low on the ladder get with a good spread and within 6 months you wil be able to skim to a good standard and you can make money as a skimmer if you go the commercial route and work is picking up now if your planning todo domestic then just doing a course and expecting to be able to do it all is not realistic
Doing this course is something solid and a bit of paper,but as have said before the best way to become a plasterer is by being a plasteres labourer first and move on from their. It takes years of experience to be able to do a good and quick job and going around things easily,plus getting over probs you will always find as no job is the same and thers no manual for this.But good luck to you ;)
you have to walk before you can run so they say i spent three years as a lab then the plasterer gave me a shot one day and off i went never done collage or no course (this may be frowned uppon by some guys ) it takes some longer than others but the bottom line is you cant do a 6 week course and become a plasterer and its an insult that these firms get away with it .so if your serious about it do the lab thing you can still make ok money if your willing
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