layers on a ceiling ????

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New Member
hi guys just asking u my stupid daily question... is there a limit to how much a ceiling can hold ... ie i went to look at a mates ceiling as it has loads of hairline cracks ... the ceiling is 9.5 mm plasterboard then it was artexed then someone else has skimmed over the artex now he wants me to reskim over the last skim . can you just carry on covering over it or have they a limit ... did u understand all that
HMMM, I think either overboard or pull down and reboard.... just for peice of mind and its soul destroying skimming a ceiling and watch it drop..... man I hate distemper!!

But on the other hand it might be alright

i usually re-screw ceiling...... before skimming if there are cracks. also f**k know about how many time's it can be skimmed.
layers on a ceiling ????

this is what whiting or ditemper, looks like painted over with emulsion
The only real way is to over board, I dont think there is a sure fire way of curing it... its horrible stuff

i scraped it off. soaked it first, then scraped it........ most of it come of easy. just really mess
If he wants it done cheap then skim over,if he wants a professional looking job which will last then I'd re board and then skim.
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