Lattice Plane

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New Member
Quick Question: When i was shown rendering, we rubbed back scratch coat all over, and especially around corner beads with a lattice plane... but i cant find one anywhere, online or otherwise... WTF?

In the month since i did my course did the trade stop using em overnight or have i missed something completely.. like no one ever used em anyway
if you learn how to use a poly float with a few panel pins (devil float ) properly there is no need for a lattice plane as far as sand and cement rendering goes

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Quick Question: When i was shown rendering, we rubbed back scratch coat all over, and especially around corner beads with a lattice plane... but i cant find one anywhere, online or otherwise... WTF?

In the month since i did my course did the trade stop using em overnight or have i missed something completely.. like no one ever used em anyway

what course did u do and where?
if i can remember wright a lattice plane is 4 planeing back high spot on dry render imo u dont need one just rub your trowell over your scratch coat the day after it will knock off any loose render ie snots & just cut your scratch coat back on your beads when u put your scratch coat on ths is all i do IMO:RpS_thumbup:
cheers a.d that sounds like it makes perfect sense
spark2010 I did a 1 week hand plastering course at building skills centre in yeovil, which covered a bit of rendering as well.

and just in case i get shot down in flames for being a "fking courser" etc, I work in IT, Im not trying to break into the trade or steal your work, and did the course for the sole purpose of teaching me enough to get by at home as I enjoy it and wanted to learn the correct way for the basics
in a way you are stealing the work because instead of getting a tradesmen in to do the work you're doing it yourself
Steve - true, but im also a time served chippy so its handy to be able to skim a wall at home if ive just studded and boarded what ive already done etc..
but you could say the same for everyone and anyone who does there own gardens, puts theyre own kitchens and bathrooms in too... I blame changing rooms and charlie dimmack on ground force for creating a nation of DIYers... but on the up side, when they fk it all up you guys get to come along and put it right.

Twitcher - I design networks, fibre optic/copper and wireless, then specify, build, install and maintain all of the firewalls, routers, switches etc that hold it all together. I also custom build high end PCs for home users as well as troubleshoot and advise every tom, dick n harry it seems on why their bt home hub is shite and what to do about it etc... kinda goes with the territory

And when i aint doing that, or family stuff, im pondering over plastering questions to ask you lot :o)
i have millions but feel a tw@t sometimes so just sit here at work sifting through old posts on the forum till i find something... assuming i aint busy obviously
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youre arrrrrittte gitzeen shingles :RpS_thumbup::RpS_thumbup:

Aye, I'll second that mate.
And can ya give Danny a hand to speed up the forum?

and what's up with my BT hub?

and what's the best browser.

and antivirus.....

and......where can I get a
cheers chaps - glad not everyone shares the same views - ya allreeeeet too...
- didnt know the forum was slow - if it is, danny prob needs to pay more money the tightarse

- any internet provider selling you 20mb download over adsl is talking bollox, they cant truly provide it over fibre to the home. End of.

- best browser, used to be firefox for security reasons but IE8 has closed a lot of those flaws, google chrome is pretty good too.. most of the guys here in our department use firefox, so sup to you really.

- avg and avast antivirus are both completely free, komodo and zonealarm firewalls are both free too... if you wanna pay, eset, bullguard, kaspersky... just dont get mixed up with anything branded as Norton this than n the other..

- and bubbles you can get whatever you need from
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I am looking for a laptop around the £400-£600 mark.

Can you advice which is the best deal .... I aint got a clue.

I dont do any gaming just multi tasking and watching porn

Thanks x
Hi Richard, assuming youre not taking the piss, and as youre a mod maybe you could add or suggest to Danny adding a subforum for "non-plastering stuff" which I dont mind throwing down opinions and advice on things computer-internet-network related for the benefit of all forum users, to add to, comment, argue or ask on this sort of thing.. on account that i dont get any crap for
1 - asking silly questions about beads, mixes and trowels etc that you pros think are obvious.
2 - being a courser :o).. Deal?

As for your laptop - if youre only using it for the forum, booking holidays, buying crap off of amazon and generally getting off on pornhub, then id say that you could pick something up for between 300-400 quite easily. Personally Id stay well away from PC World for various reasons, and in terms of makes - Dell, HP/Compaq, Acer are all best bang for your buck.

However, when you say multitasking... It kinda depends what you mean... watching lots of porn on different web pages, or editing photos, videos, cos there's a world of difference in system needs
shits n giggles
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Ask Irish spread he has the password. :RpS_thumbsup:
Anyway where the fcuk is he?:huh:
He went to a footie match saturday & hasn't been seen or heard of since:-0
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