Lath and Plaster Ceiling Price

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New Member
I was wondering what you guys would charge for a ceiling approx 5mx5m. Have do do the following:

1. Take down existing lath & plaster and bag debris (Client will dispose of debris)
2. Insulate ceiling (Customer supply insulation).
3. Reboard (Customer supply board)
4. Skim. (Customer supply plaster)

Its a high ceiling so its a trestle job!
i reckon i could do that in 2 days. id probably charge £340 labour
Where are are you working trowel??? I'm Loughborough and you would never get the job at that price with the customer providing mats and getting rid of rubbish £250- £300 tops
didn't say id get the job.... but thats around how much id charge, around £300 mark.
its hard to say with out seeing it first, if it was straight forward mabye less.
i work in cardiff area.
i would have thought the walls will all need patching in aswell as the old lathe ceiling will be thicker than the new boarded ceiling and it usually requires patching in with bonding/skim after. Unless you pack joists out with slithers to bring down

I fekking hate pulling down and bagging old lathe so would prob charge £500 also, messy and horrible job so more cash.
agree with kitkingplasterer and i will add to his post beware of big problems you are likely to encounter, old lath ceilings joists are usually way out of level you sometimes got to stitch 3x2 to level the old cieling up before you can board it
knowing my luck... if i pulled down the ceiling down, half the house would come down with it ;D
id get electricuted and there would be asbestos in the ceiling and the pipes would leek. ;D
i would have thought the walls will all need patching in aswell as the old lathe ceiling will be thicker than the new boarded ceiling and it usually requires patching in with bonding/skim after. Unless you pack joists out with slithers to bring down

I fekking hate pulling down and bagging old lathe so would prob charge £500 also, messy and horrible job so more cash.

Yea but in todays climate as in the credit f'in crunch, You will get spreads to do it for way cheaper than that pal!!!
very true, i think you shoud charge what you feel the job is worth for you and take into consideration how much you need the job but make the client aware of the problems that can occure with old l/p ceilings.

As Tommy said above, can be very out of level, can pull down the wall. These 2 things on there own can get a day to sort. You dont want to charge £300 and spend 3 days on it. BUT £300 in ya pocket is better than nout if you need the work

Im down in Brighton so Prob a bit higher due to location down here too.. London on Sea
when i start my buisness in painting and decorating i was charging £60-70 a day, i was well stoked. before that i was earning £35 a day. and now with plastering i can earn up to £150-£200 on a good day. but you always want more and more, working saturdays and sundays.

£400 sounds good £200 a day ..1st day have a lab 2 help 2 skim on ya own...

dnt need 2 tressel the room just move round the room with 1 set of tressls and use the board suport/clap things..

member that stuff gets dust EVERY WERE so u will need 2 plastic the floor to stop the dust gettin threw the boards and tape the door up ect..i no as i have wrecked homes in the past!now iv learnt..

ent worth less than £200 a a late one on day 1 half haf day plastering the next day.. ;)
id go in at 500allow 1 day two men pull down ceiling remember youve got to clear up and de nail+insulate,1 day board and skim ,possible pathing up around edges noway i would do it for 300 the worst job in the building trade pulling down a l+P ceiling
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