large wall down stairs

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New Member
hello hope someone can help me :'(

i need to skim the wall down my stairs but it's quite large, can i do it in sections and if so how would i go about dividing it into sections, would the joins show?

thanks in advance ;)
personally mate i would get some1 to mix for u give it a good coat of pva and make sure u have got plenty of workroom.
i have jointed b4 in the past on a 40ft high double the lenth wall it did'nt crack but still not 1 to do it.
I hate featherin in...i'd always get another spread to give me a chuck if its over about 30 square, even if he's just layin on you can always flatten it behind him...
That said, long as you got a sander and plenty fine sandpaper it matters not :)
Use scrim tape to divide the sections then peel it off after you have polished but while the plaster still has moisture in it, this give you a nice clean edge to feather into and has helped me in the past.

Lots of water and plenty of pressure
you sure its as big as you think?

often i have looked at theses walls thinking thats going to be a arm acher and allow 1 half 2 bags for first coat and 1 for 2nd, but it ends up being 1 bag first coat etc....they normaly look worse than they are?

good luck,.
I hate featherin in...i'd always get another spread to give me a chuck if its over about 30 square, even if he's just layin on you can always flatten it behind him...
That said, long as you got a sander and plenty fine sandpaper it matters not :)

thanks for that its good advice i'll get someone to follow behind me flattening up
dont forget to let it pull in a bit first or all hell be doing is just pushing it round the wall...good luck!
Once you get crackin itll be easy..
I've started using the Wickes bonding stuff on anything that's big enough to cause me problems. It's a bit more expensive than PVA but it's worth it if you can avoid featherin' in.

I did a ceiling the other day which was on the large side. I gave my Marshalltown Trowel a pre-match team talk and even put Motorhead's Ace Of Spades on the CD player (a track reserved for the toughest jobs). As it happens I was getting my knickers in a twist over nothing.

The first coat went on fine and the second was hanging about long enough for me and my trowel to enjoy a ham and cheese cob. They're his favourite you know.

It's been a long day  :-[
u mean ive been wastin my money on prawn cocktail for the trowel?? I always thought trowels were allergic to cheese??
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