Labourers Rates

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New Member
Just wondered what you guy,s pay good lab,s my young bro,s been with me for 14 years and can skim and dry line, only thing he cant do is browning on to blockwork, asking because it,s been a hard year and want to hit the new year up and running was thinking around 80 to 90 per day, any advice Thanks Guys :)
This guy skims and boards is famioso and worked with him for 14 years,should really bea partner????
Like i say £80 on the books and 60/40 split on cash work at weekends cant say fairer than that to little Bro.
after 14 years has he never been allowed a go on the edge ??? ???

we never let our labourers on the blade unless its the floor scraper ;D that way they are never worth more than £40 a day but they usually only get £30 a day
Even a 15 year old living with mummy can mix s**t in a bucket and wash ur trowel and be greatfull of money.Wish i could get a reliable labourer for £30 a day though.
oasis said:
£30 a day! people got live! they must be 15 livin at home with mummy?

£150 a week is good enough to mix scrape up an scrim never trust them to bead well maybe corners but never reveals! it up to them if they want to get any extra from other sources! to pay a labourer £150 a week means i have to earn about £185 to pay him so i only earn for 4 days of that week, and at the end of the day its usually them who came to me asking for work so if there not happy with that money then there always be another along soon after
To be honest mate your bro is probably capable of a lot more than many of the guys who punt themselves as Plasterers and pull plasterers wages on sites anyway. You'd be surprised how many cannot and will not do floating. I'd up his responsibilities, let him loose on some supervised floating over the next 4 - 6 months to help his confidence and become a 2 man gang? Both plastering but your bro doing less as he will be knocking up also. Might do alright?

Clint :)
Thanks a lot guys Clinton 78 youre right give im more responsability and make a 2 man gang, i,e been at him for years to drive and share pricing etc to give im more confidence, thanks again guys and he is better than some of these so called plasterers that talk a good game and when you see them floating up, ouch, rough as a badgers ass
Im sure there all paying them Cis legit mate there such nice guys on this forum and wouldnt wanna fu ck over Gorden would they??
Yeah right lol
yes andy of course i employ my labourers they get their 28 days holiday ssp when they are off and 1 months notice
oasis said:
£30 a day! people got live! they must be 15 livin at home with mummy?

im sorry but your not going to like this but if you have a good labourer then he is worth good money, If you pay someone £30 a day they are going to be off in no time . We had an old labourer and he was one step ahaed you all the time, all you needed to worry about is putting the gear on the wall. He could even lay on if needed and because he knew he was being paid well he was happy. £80 a day for a labourer looking after 2 spreads or more is the min but they have to be good for that, if your on your own then you dont need a labourer
simplybesty said:
im sorry but your not going to like this but if you have a good labourer then he is worth good money, If you pay someone £30 a day they are going to be off in no time . We had an old labourer and he was one step ahaed you all the time, all you needed to worry about is putting the gear on the wall. He could even lay on if needed and because he knew he was being paid well he was happy. £80 a day for a labourer looking after 2 spreads or more is the min but they have to be good for that, if your on your own then you dont need a labourer

id rather whip the boy and have to chase him and pay £15 a day than have mr perfect labourer and pay him £40

payin one that much he need to be earning some aswell and that defeats the object of a labourer
I know all too well about labs that get paid too much we were paying ours 60 a day but he has worked with us on and off over the last 10 years he wasnt ever gonna make it as a spread but he knew exactly what we wanted and he could do the cupboards as he could lay on small ammounts. He would normally do 3-4 days a week when he had been paid. we ourselves were getting 3-4 week payments and we were trying to pay him every 2 weeks when we didnt get paid on time one week we couldnt pay him he flipped out on me on the phone saying he was gonna smash all our faces in :o i kept calm and assured him he would get paid on the monday he wasnt happy but it was what it was any way that was the last payment he had from us and the last time he worked for us shame realy as he was a mint labourer, we got a young 16 year old lad now we pay 30 a day.
i just lob 50 note to mine. worth it, to day he has gutted a bathroom and WBA's 3 bedrooms cleaned up and done all my mixes! next week he will be rubbin down all the woodwork in the house? £50 well spent.
bodplasterer said:
I know all too well about labs that get paid too much we were paying ours 60 a day but he has worked with us on and off over the last 10 years he wasnt ever gonna make it as a spread but he knew exactly what we wanted and he could do the cupboards as he could lay on small ammounts. He would normally do 3-4 days a week when he had been paid. we ourselves were getting 3-4 week payments and we were trying to pay him every 2 weeks when we didnt get paid on time one week we couldnt pay him he flipped out on me on the phone saying he was gonna smash all our faces in :o i kept calm and assured him he would get paid on the monday he wasnt happy but it was what it was any way that was the last payment he had from us and the last time he worked for us shame realy as he was a mint labourer, we got a young 16 year old lad now we pay 30 a day.

The thing is Bod this lad wasn't a partner so if he was supposed to get his money weekly then you should have had his money put aside for him, I personally think that when you ask someone to do a job for you the money should be available to pay them before you get paid. And before you say a word Simply yours and Monkeys money should be in your bank by now ;)
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