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big ali

New Member
at the risk of sounding like a t**t, how much is krend, builder picked it up from TP (ouch) today and was charged 9 quid a bag, ,i've never used it before and was expecting a 'normal' material like webber but it was like cat litter mixed with water, same colour as well. the date on the bags was over 12 months out so i rang krend and was told its ok as date is manufactured date not the use by date. heres the bit where i sound like chump, is this normal for krend to look and feel like cat litter with a bit of water thrown in. on the plus side it mixed up lovely. prefer webber tho.
dont stand for that Cr&p mate i can go to encon and get 100 bags of out of date monocouche render... why is that you may ask... because they wont gaurantee the product... it has a sell by date 1 year after manufacture date... they cant give the stuff away as they have to pay to send it to land fill...
the date on the bag is manufacturing date so you have 12 month after this date to use and krend has to be mixed for 4 min then turn the mixer of for 4 min then back on to a consistancy you are happy with ,its all to do with the polymers they say
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