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New Member
was looking into gettin a new trowel.. a small one for polishing off for no reason other than i like the idea of it.

im sure some1 knows what i meen. but any how what are the kraft trowels like? i always use M/T but wana try somthing else thats rated well?
they make them thinner so they dont flex ?.......does anyone use one cause you wouldnt get much out of a sweep would you ???
theyre for levelling cement (as in wet concrete), so theyre thinner so they dont drag...
apparently? i havent a clue really.. ???
A mate uses a cement trowel to plaster. Good finish so I thought Ill give one a go. Horrible to use, stick to floors with it and even then!
I know, but my mate uses it for rendering. He turns it round so its backward to render and uses the point for corners if the corners are well out etc. :-[
Does the cement f**k the rivits in trowels?
Bruce Willis said:
I know, but my mate uses it for rendering. He turns it round so its backward to render and uses the point for corners if the corners are well out etc. :-[
Does the cement f**k the rivits in trowels?

stop being a tart. get a refina 14inch and use it on your s/c. breaks them in lovely
Ste I would but the colours dont match my uniform, I mean come on how am I gonna look turning up to a job and clashing with my tools? ! Ppppppaaaaallllleeeeesssssseeeee :-*
that 1 u were lookin at has a blue handle. so does refina. no excuses. buy one. do it. do it now. NOW!
arrrggghhhh ttoooo much pressure ! good job Im half cut with Bud! ;D
Ive just bought A marshaltown one so Ill use that for now. I got it off the wrong rack, supposed to be stainless but no! Didnt have me glasses switched on and guess what its covered in orange already >:(
Bruce Willis said:
arrrggghhhh ttoooo much pressure ! good job Im half cut with Bud! ;D
Ive just bought A marshaltown one so Ill use that for now. I got it off the wrong rack, supposed to be stainless but no! Didnt have me glasses switched on and guess what its covered in orange already >:(

everytime your finished with it, just pat it on your clothes. wait till its gone black though.
steve cov said:
Bruce Willis said:
arrrggghhhh ttoooo much pressure ! good job Im half cut with Bud! ;D
Ive just bought A marshaltown one so Ill use that for now. I got it off the wrong rack, supposed to be stainless but no! Didnt have me glasses switched on and guess what its covered in orange already >:(

everytime your finished with it, just pat it on your clothes. wait till its gone black though.
Wait till whats gone black? I just sand em usually. Doesnt cement f**k em though. me mate said dont buy an expensive trowel for rendering. just buy cheap and chuck em every so often.
richardbrown said:
your mate sounds like he wants shooting.
I tell ya Rich hes s**t hot. But I hear what your sayin , just trying to get a second opnion sos to speak , but I tell ya hes good.
i got rendering trowels, skimming trowels, dabbing trowels all kinds of trowels.

tell your mate to join the forum so i can ban him
richardbrown said:
i got rendering trowels, skimming trowels, dabbing trowels all kinds of trowels.

tell your mate to join the forum so i can ban him

haha, why dont you just use your skimmin trowels rich? i use a seperate one for dabbing. but thats about it. ive got a midget trowel for the arkward spots but f**k the rest. do u use a seperate one for floating?
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